Identificación organizacional y satisfacción con la vida en una entidad pública peruana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo abordar la asociación entre la
identificación organizacional y la satisfacción con la vida de los trabajadores administrativos
de una entidad pública del Perú. Para ello, se recurrió al uso de escalas que puedan medir
estos constructos, éstas fueron aplicadas a 52 trabajadores del Congreso de la República del
Perú (50% hombres y 50% mujeres), cuyas edades oscilan entre los 26 y 70 años (M = 46.5;
DE = 12.3). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la escala de Identificación organizacional y
la escala de Satisfacción con la vida. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una correlación
significativa, positiva y pequeña entre ambas variables (r=.28; p< .05), mas no se encontró
un poder predictivo adecuado de la identificación organizacional respecto a la satisfacción
con la vida. Los resultados y posterior discusión buscan aportar más evidencia sobre la
asociación de estos constructos, dada su importancia en el ámbito organizacional.
This research aims to address the association between organizational identification and life satisfaction of administrative workers in a public entity in Peru. For this, scales that can measure these constructs were applied to 52 workers of the Congress of the Republic of Peru (50% men and 50% women), whose ages ranged between 26 and 70 years (M = 46.5; SD = 12.3). The instruments used were the Organizational Identification Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale. The results found a significant, positive and small correlation between both variables (r=.28 p<.05), however, it was not found an adequate predictive power of the organizational identification regarding life satisfaction. The results and subsequent discussion want to give more evidence on the association of these constructs, given their importance in the organizational sphere.
This research aims to address the association between organizational identification and life satisfaction of administrative workers in a public entity in Peru. For this, scales that can measure these constructs were applied to 52 workers of the Congress of the Republic of Peru (50% men and 50% women), whose ages ranged between 26 and 70 years (M = 46.5; SD = 12.3). The instruments used were the Organizational Identification Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale. The results found a significant, positive and small correlation between both variables (r=.28 p<.05), however, it was not found an adequate predictive power of the organizational identification regarding life satisfaction. The results and subsequent discussion want to give more evidence on the association of these constructs, given their importance in the organizational sphere.
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