Ecosistema inteligente para bodegas en el contexto de la COVID-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El contexto de la COVID-19 ha obligado al confinamiento social debido a sus
efectos cada vez más visibles en la vida diaria: a) menos contacto físico; b) compras a
distancia; y c) una creciente necesidad de protocolos de bioseguridad. En tal sentido, las
bodegas que representan un punto de venta del canal tradicional de productos de primera
necesidad en los barrios se enfrentan al reto de adaptarse al nuevo comportamiento de
compra de la población. Este cambio se evidencia en las preferencias de compra que han
migrado hacia la digitalización; así como, la necesidad de recibir los pedidos a domicilio.
Además, en base a la investigación y revisión de literatura, se identificó que el
problema de negocio de las bodegas en Lima Metropolitana comprende tres temas por
resolver: a) existe una falta de poder de negociación de los bodegueros con sus
distribuidores afectando el abastecimiento de estas; b) la gestión ineficiente de las bodegas
impacta negativamente en la rentabilidad del negocio; y c) las bodegas no se encuentran
preparadas para atender la nueva demanda generada por el cambio de hábito de compra del
Por lo cual, se propone el desarrollo de un ecosistema inteligente para mejorar la
relación entre el distribuidor – bodeguero y bodeguero – cliente. Logrando el
abastecimiento de productos de primera necesidad mediante el uso del canal online,
impulsando la gestión integral de bodegas por medio de la digitalización de sus procesos,
integrando la comunicación en tiempo real entre los usuarios y permitiendo la entrega de
pedidos vía delivery.
The context of COVID-19 has forced social confinement due to increasingly visible effects in daily life: a) less physical contact; b) remote purchases; and c) growing need for biosafety protocols. In this sense, the wineries that represent a point of sale of the traditional channel of basic products in neighborhoods face the challenge of adapting to the new purchasing behavior of the population. This change is evident in the purchasing preferences that have migrated towards digitization; as well as, the need to receive orders at home. In addition, based on research and literature review, it was identified that business problems of the wineries in Lima Metropolitan comprises three issues to be resolved: a) there is a lack of negotiating power of the winemakers with their distributors affecting the supply of these; b) inefficient warehouse management negatively impacts business profitability; and c) the wineries are not prepared to meet the new demand generated by the change in consumer purchasing habits. Therefore, the development of an intelligent ecosystem is proposed to improve the relationship between the distributor - winemaker and winemaker - customer. Achieving the supply of essential products through the use of the online channel, promoting the integral management of warehouses by means the digitization of their processes, integrating communication in real time between users and allowing the orders of delivery.
The context of COVID-19 has forced social confinement due to increasingly visible effects in daily life: a) less physical contact; b) remote purchases; and c) growing need for biosafety protocols. In this sense, the wineries that represent a point of sale of the traditional channel of basic products in neighborhoods face the challenge of adapting to the new purchasing behavior of the population. This change is evident in the purchasing preferences that have migrated towards digitization; as well as, the need to receive orders at home. In addition, based on research and literature review, it was identified that business problems of the wineries in Lima Metropolitan comprises three issues to be resolved: a) there is a lack of negotiating power of the winemakers with their distributors affecting the supply of these; b) inefficient warehouse management negatively impacts business profitability; and c) the wineries are not prepared to meet the new demand generated by the change in consumer purchasing habits. Therefore, the development of an intelligent ecosystem is proposed to improve the relationship between the distributor - winemaker and winemaker - customer. Achieving the supply of essential products through the use of the online channel, promoting the integral management of warehouses by means the digitization of their processes, integrating communication in real time between users and allowing the orders of delivery.
Palabras clave
COVID-19 (Enfermedad), Bodegas, Medios digitales, Comportamiento del consumidor
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