Business consulting para la empresa McCann Erickson Corporation Publicidad S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La corporación McCann Worldgroup es una agencia de publicidad global con sede en Nueva
York y presente en 120 países, ofrece servicios de publicidad convencional, relaciones públicas
y marketing promocional. En Perú, McCann opera desde hace 76 años y es considerada la
mejor agencia del país. En su análisis externo, tiene como fortaleza económica el respaldo de
la casa matriz en New York y tener el respaldo de clientes potenciales. Como oportunidad de
mejora, la empresa se ha adaptado a los constantes cambios tecnológicos y su reto ha sido
conseguir el mejor talento humano para manejarlo.
Para identificar el problema principal se utilizaron diferentes herramientas del Design
Thinking; de acuerdo con el análisis realizado se logró identificar como problema principal a
la alta rotación de personal el cual tiene efectos directos sobre la disminución de la
productividad, la pérdida del talento y la desmotivación de los empleados. Es así que se
priorizo como propuesta de solución la elaboración de un plan de retención del personal.
En ese contexto, se realizó el plan de implementación de la alternativa de solución
aplicando la metodología OKR (Objectives and Key Results), el mismo que implicó:
Establecer el objetivo principal de manera clara y concisa; identificar los resultados clave
(KR) que ayudaron a medir el progreso y el éxito en la retención del personal; identificar las
iniciativas para lograr los KR; definir los plazos para cada iniciativa con responsabilidades
claras a los miembros del equipo; y finalmente establecer un sistema de seguimiento que
permitió evaluar el progreso de cumplimiento del OKR. Como resultados cuantitativos, se
elaboró los flujos de caja económicos. Los resultados financieros calculados como TIR,
VAN, PAYBACK demuestran la viabilidad de la implementación de la alternativa de
solución y que la aplicación de los OKR retribuye valor a la empresa.
McCann Worldgroup Corporation is a New York-based global advertising agency with operations in 120 countries, providing mainstream advertising, public relations, and promotional marketing services. In Peru, McCann has been operating for 76 years and is considered the best agency in the country. In its external analysis, its economic strength is the support of the headquarters in New York and the support of potential clients; As an opportunity for improvement, the company has adapted to constant technological changes and its challenge has been to find the best human talent to manage it. To identify the main problem, different Design Thinking tools were used; According to the analysis carried out, the high turnover of personnel will be identified as the main problem, which has direct effects on the decrease in productivity, the loss of talent and the demotivation of employees. Thus, the development of a staff retention plan is prioritized as a solution proposal. In this context, the implementation plan of the alternative solution was carried out applying the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology, which involved: Establishing the main objective clearly and concisely; identify key results (KRs) that help measure progress and success in staff retention; identify initiatives to achieve the KRs; define deadlines for each initiative with clear responsibilities to team members; and finally established a tracking system that demonstrated the progress of OKR compliance. As quantitative results, the economic cash flows were elaborated. The financial results calculated as IRR, VAN, PAYBACK show us the viability of the implementation of the solution alternative and that the application of the OKR rewards value to the company.
McCann Worldgroup Corporation is a New York-based global advertising agency with operations in 120 countries, providing mainstream advertising, public relations, and promotional marketing services. In Peru, McCann has been operating for 76 years and is considered the best agency in the country. In its external analysis, its economic strength is the support of the headquarters in New York and the support of potential clients; As an opportunity for improvement, the company has adapted to constant technological changes and its challenge has been to find the best human talent to manage it. To identify the main problem, different Design Thinking tools were used; According to the analysis carried out, the high turnover of personnel will be identified as the main problem, which has direct effects on the decrease in productivity, the loss of talent and the demotivation of employees. Thus, the development of a staff retention plan is prioritized as a solution proposal. In this context, the implementation plan of the alternative solution was carried out applying the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology, which involved: Establishing the main objective clearly and concisely; identify key results (KRs) that help measure progress and success in staff retention; identify initiatives to achieve the KRs; define deadlines for each initiative with clear responsibilities to team members; and finally established a tracking system that demonstrated the progress of OKR compliance. As quantitative results, the economic cash flows were elaborated. The financial results calculated as IRR, VAN, PAYBACK show us the viability of the implementation of the solution alternative and that the application of the OKR rewards value to the company.
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