Algunas reflexiones sobre lenguas y sociedades en el Período Formativo centroandino
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este trabajo se presentan la problemática general del Período Formativo y una propuesta de subdivisiones pertinentes, con caracterizaciones de la cultura material y sus áreas de distribución entendidas como esferas de interacción y de tradiciones. Estas reflejan cambios significativos que podrían haber estado relacionados con cambios de mecanismos responsables de la difusión de lenguas. Se propone que hubo un hipotético pre-protomochica en el norte, un multilingüismo en el sitio de Chavín y lenguas diferentes en la sierra norcentral, central y surcentral, entre las que podría haber predominado el pre-protoquechua. Para otras áreas permanece incierta una eventual vinculación lingüística con estilos del Formativo.
This paper deals with the general problem of the Formative Period and presents a proposal for subdivision based upon characterizations of material cultures and their distributions as interaction spheres and traditions. These reflect significant changes that may be related to changes in the mechanisms of language dispersal. It hypothesizes that a pre-protomochica was spoken in northern Perú; that multilingualism prevailed at the site of Chavín site; and that different languages existed in the north-central, central and south-central highlands, perhaps dominated by a pre-protoquechua. In other areas possible links between Formative Period styles and linguistics remain unknown.
This paper deals with the general problem of the Formative Period and presents a proposal for subdivision based upon characterizations of material cultures and their distributions as interaction spheres and traditions. These reflect significant changes that may be related to changes in the mechanisms of language dispersal. It hypothesizes that a pre-protomochica was spoken in northern Perú; that multilingualism prevailed at the site of Chavín site; and that different languages existed in the north-central, central and south-central highlands, perhaps dominated by a pre-protoquechua. In other areas possible links between Formative Period styles and linguistics remain unknown.
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