Las sanciones administrativas en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos no contiene mención alguna a las sanciones administrativas, pero el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos ha desarrollado una serie de criterios aplicables a esta modalidad del ius puniendi estatal, muy cercanos a los que rigen en el ámbito de las sanciones penales. El presente estudio analiza los aspectos fundamentales de esa jurisprudencia, formada a partir de la interpretación de la noción autónoma de “acusación en materia penal” en el contexto de la faceta penal del artículo 6 del Convenio, y, en especial, los relativos al control de plena jurisdicción y el derecho a un proceso equitativo (artículo 6 del Convenio), el principio de legalidad (artículo 7 del Convenio) y el principio non bis in idem (artículo 4 del Protocolo número 7).
The European Convention on Human Rights does not contain any mention of administrative sanctions, but the European Court of Human Rights has developed a number of criteria applicable to this modality of ius puniendi, very close to those that apply in the field of criminal sanctions. The present study analyzes the fundamental aspects of this jurisprudence, formed from the interpretation of the autonomous notion of “criminal charge” in the context of the criminal limb of article 6 of the Convention), and, especially, those related to full jurisdiction control and the right to a fair trial (article 6 of the Convention), the principle “no punishment withouw law” (article 7 of the Convention) and the non bis in idem principle (article 4 of Protocol number 7).
The European Convention on Human Rights does not contain any mention of administrative sanctions, but the European Court of Human Rights has developed a number of criteria applicable to this modality of ius puniendi, very close to those that apply in the field of criminal sanctions. The present study analyzes the fundamental aspects of this jurisprudence, formed from the interpretation of the autonomous notion of “criminal charge” in the context of the criminal limb of article 6 of the Convention), and, especially, those related to full jurisdiction control and the right to a fair trial (article 6 of the Convention), the principle “no punishment withouw law” (article 7 of the Convention) and the non bis in idem principle (article 4 of Protocol number 7).
Palabras clave
Tribunal europeo de derechos humanos, Sanciones administrativas, Acusación en materia penal, Plena jurisdicción, Principio de legalidad, Non bis in idem
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