La ejecución del contrato de obra pública en Sudamérica ante el COVID-19: posibles alternativas para mantener su equilibrio económico o terminarlo anticipadamente
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene por objeto analizar los principales efectos del COVID-19 en la ejecución de los contratos de obra pública en distintos países de Sudamérica. En particular, la construcción de proyectos de infraestructura pública ha sido declarada una actividad esencial en distintos países, lo que ha obligado que los contratistas deban cumplir sus obligaciones en términos excesivamente onerosos o bien ajenos al fin que motivó la celebración de los acuerdos con la Administración del Estado. Por lo tanto, teniendo en consideración lo anterior, se efectúa un análisis de las posibles alternativas que ofrece el Derecho, ya sea para reestablecer el equilibrio económico del contrato o bien para terminar anticipadamente el acuerdo.
This paper studies the principal effects of COVID-19 in the execution of public works contracts throughout South America. In particular, different countries have declared that the construction of public infrastructure is an essential activity, a situation that has forced the contractors to fulfill their obligations in excessively onerous terms or outside the purpose that led to the termination of the agreements with the State Administration. Considering the above, this article analyzes the possible alternatives offered by the Law, either to reestablish the economic balance of the contract or to terminate the agreement early.
This paper studies the principal effects of COVID-19 in the execution of public works contracts throughout South America. In particular, different countries have declared that the construction of public infrastructure is an essential activity, a situation that has forced the contractors to fulfill their obligations in excessively onerous terms or outside the purpose that led to the termination of the agreements with the State Administration. Considering the above, this article analyzes the possible alternatives offered by the Law, either to reestablish the economic balance of the contract or to terminate the agreement early.
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