Reconocimiento de la depresión derivada del estrés laboral como enfermedad profesional en el Perú, a partir de la publicación de la lista de enfermedades profesionales realizada por la OIT en el 2010
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente artículo, propondremos el reconocimiento de la depresión como
enfermedad profesional derivada del estrés laboral, a partir de la inclusión de los
trastornos mentales y del comportamiento en la lista de enfermedades
profesionales publicada por la OIT en el año 2010.
A pesar que la citada recomendación no ha sido admitida por nuestra legislación
laboral vigente, la Resolución Ministerial N° 480-2008-MINSA, Norma Técnica
que establece una lista de enfermedades profesionales tiene carácter abierto,
por lo que, será posible incluir nuevas enfermedades ocupacionales en la medida
en la existan estudios, análisis, y evidencias reales y concretas que respalden la
causalidad entre los factores de riesgos identificados y la enfermedad acusada
por el trabajador.
En ese sentido, analizaremos la legislación laboral peruana, y los documentos
emitidos por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo y la
Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral sobre la prevención,
identificación, y tratamiento de los factores psicosociales de riesgos laborales, y
sus consecuencias en las relaciones laborales.
Por otro lado, analizaremos la naturaleza jurídica de la depresión laboral, a
efectos de determinar si es un accidente de trabajo, como lo propone la
jurisprudencia española; o una enfermedad profesional, de acuerdo a la
construcción legislativa desarrollada en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico nacional.
Finalmente, expondremos las razones por las que consideramos que la
depresión derivada del estrés laboral puede ser considerada como una
enfermedad profesional y sus consecuencias previsionales dentro las
actividades de alto riesgo.
In this article, we will propose the recognition of depression as an occupational disease derived from work stress, based on the inclusion of mental and behavioral disorders in the list of occupational diseases published by the OIT in 2010. Despite the fact that the aforementioned recommendation has not been accepted by our current labor legislation, Ministerial Resolution No. 480-2008-MINSA, Technical Standard that establishes a list of occupational diseases is open, so it will be possible to include new occupational diseases to the extent that there are studies, analyses, and real and concrete evidence that support the causality between the risk factors identified and the disease reported by the worker. In this sense, we will analyze the Peruvian labor legislation, and the documents issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion and the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection on the prevention, identification, and treatment of psychosocial factors of occupational risks, and their consequences in labor relations. On the other hand, we will analyze the legal nature of occupational depression, in order to determine if it is an accident at work, as proposed by Spanish jurisprudence; or an occupational disease, according to the legislative construction developed in our national legal system. Finally, we will explain the reasons why we believe that depression derived from work stress can be considered an occupational disease and its social security consequences within high-risk activities.
In this article, we will propose the recognition of depression as an occupational disease derived from work stress, based on the inclusion of mental and behavioral disorders in the list of occupational diseases published by the OIT in 2010. Despite the fact that the aforementioned recommendation has not been accepted by our current labor legislation, Ministerial Resolution No. 480-2008-MINSA, Technical Standard that establishes a list of occupational diseases is open, so it will be possible to include new occupational diseases to the extent that there are studies, analyses, and real and concrete evidence that support the causality between the risk factors identified and the disease reported by the worker. In this sense, we will analyze the Peruvian labor legislation, and the documents issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion and the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection on the prevention, identification, and treatment of psychosocial factors of occupational risks, and their consequences in labor relations. On the other hand, we will analyze the legal nature of occupational depression, in order to determine if it is an accident at work, as proposed by Spanish jurisprudence; or an occupational disease, according to the legislative construction developed in our national legal system. Finally, we will explain the reasons why we believe that depression derived from work stress can be considered an occupational disease and its social security consequences within high-risk activities.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades ocupacionales--Legislación--Perú, Stress en el trabajo--Perú, Depresión mental--Aspectos legales--Perú
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