El Derecho administrativo sancionador en la legislación española de transparencia y buen gobierno: singularidades destacables
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El trabajo analiza el régimen jurídico sancionador en la legislación española de transparencia y buen gobierno tras la Ley 19/2013, de 9 diciembre de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno (LTBG), ley básica en la materia para todo el Estado español para evitar malas prácticas y la corrupción. Así como las derivaciones que han introducido, mediante su propia regulación las Comunidades Autónomas españolas. Todo ello con la finalidad de demostrar cómo esta materia integra principios y reglas propias de la potestad sancionadora general de la Administración pública y del Derecho Administrativo Sancionador, aunque presenta algunas singularidades. El trabajo pretende ser un reflejo de dicha realidad que pueda servir de contraste con la realidad jurídica peruana.
This paper analyzes the penalty system within the Spanish transparency and good governance legal framework as following Law 19/2013, of December 9th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance (LTBG), which is a framework law in this matter for the whole Spanish State to avoid bad practices and corruption. This paper will also tackle the derivations that Spanish Autonomous Communities have introduced through their own regulations. Through this analysis I intend to prove that this matter, despite outstanding singularities, encompasses the principles and rules of the general penalty power of the Public Administration and the Penalty Administrative Law. This study also aims to reflect said reality and draw a comparison with the Peruvian legal framework.
This paper analyzes the penalty system within the Spanish transparency and good governance legal framework as following Law 19/2013, of December 9th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance (LTBG), which is a framework law in this matter for the whole Spanish State to avoid bad practices and corruption. This paper will also tackle the derivations that Spanish Autonomous Communities have introduced through their own regulations. Through this analysis I intend to prove that this matter, despite outstanding singularities, encompasses the principles and rules of the general penalty power of the Public Administration and the Penalty Administrative Law. This study also aims to reflect said reality and draw a comparison with the Peruvian legal framework.
Palabras clave
Transparencia, Buen gobierno, Corrupción, Infracciones, Sanciones, Derecho administrativo sancionador, Comunidades autónomas
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