Disputas por el desierto : Una mirada crítica al proceso de urbanización del Centro Poblado Santa Cruz de Villacurí (Ica), en un contexto de transformaciones agrícolas de las Pampas de Villacurí
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo principal analizar el proceso de
urbanización del C.P. Santa Cruz de Villacurí, en un contexto de transformaciones
agrícolas de las Pampas de Villacurí. Para materializarlo, fue necesario hacer una
reconstrucción histórica en dos niveles: el local (el C.P. en cuestión) y regional
(Pampas de Villacurí). De esta manera, se comprendió dos fenómenos que, para el
caso de estudio, guardan una estrecha vinculación: la desruralización y la
urbanización. En este sentido, hubo una aproximación a las propuestas teóricas de
Lefebvre (1991) y Harvey (1990; 2012) sobre la producción del espacio; así como los
de Wallerstein (2001; 2011) y Martínez Godoy (2020) en torno a los cambios en los
espacios rurales y agrícolas. Tras la obtención de data en un trabajo de campo entre
el 2022 y 2023, se obtuvo el siguiente hallazgo central: la historia del C.P. tiene un
punto de inflexión con el ingreso del agronegocio en las pampas. Esto se debe a que
empezó a urbanizarse aceleradamente, cambiando, en gran medida, las prácticas
espaciales de los distintos actores sociales identificados: proletariado, sector privado
y Estado. Lo anterior, sumado a la creciente concentración de la tierra por la
agroexportación, ha hecho que el campesinado vaya desapareciendo. Pretendo
argumentar, entonces, que hay un proceso de desruralización de por medio;
deviniendo esta región en un spatial fix del agronegocio. Este tipo de fenómenos no
han sido abordados profundamente en la academia nacional, a pesar de emerger
movilizaciones obreras desde el 2020. De este modo, la investigación es un aporte
para los estudios agrarios, rurales y urbanos al mismo tiempo.
The present research aims to analyze the process of urbanization in the Centro Poblado Santa Cruz de Villacurí (known as "Barrio Chino"), within the context of agricultural transformations in the Pampas de Villacurí. To achieve this, it was necessary to undertake a historical reconstruction on two levels: the local (the C.P. in question) and the regional (Pampas de Villacurí). Therefore, two phenomena closely linked to the case study were understood: de-ruralization and urbanization. For that reason, there was an exploration of the theoretical propositions of Lefebvre (1991) and Harvey (1990; 2012) regarding the production of space, as well as those of Wallerstein (2001; 2011) and Martínez Godoy (2020) concerning changes in rural and agricultural spaces. Following the data collection during a five-month fieldwork, the following central finding was obtained: the history of the C.P. experienced a turning point with the entry of agribusiness into the pampas. This led to a rapid urbanization, significantly altering the spatial practices of the various identified social actors: the proletariat, private sector, and the State. That phenomenon, coupled with the increasing land concentration due to agro-export, has led to the disappearance of peasant farming. Therefore, I aim to argue that there is a process of de-ruralization at play, with this region becoming a spatial fix for agribusiness. Despite labor mobilizations emerging since 2020 at Barrio Chino and at other proletarian neighborhoods in Ica, this problematic has not been deeply addressed in the national academia. Thus, this research contributes to agricultural, rural, and urban studies simultaneously.
The present research aims to analyze the process of urbanization in the Centro Poblado Santa Cruz de Villacurí (known as "Barrio Chino"), within the context of agricultural transformations in the Pampas de Villacurí. To achieve this, it was necessary to undertake a historical reconstruction on two levels: the local (the C.P. in question) and the regional (Pampas de Villacurí). Therefore, two phenomena closely linked to the case study were understood: de-ruralization and urbanization. For that reason, there was an exploration of the theoretical propositions of Lefebvre (1991) and Harvey (1990; 2012) regarding the production of space, as well as those of Wallerstein (2001; 2011) and Martínez Godoy (2020) concerning changes in rural and agricultural spaces. Following the data collection during a five-month fieldwork, the following central finding was obtained: the history of the C.P. experienced a turning point with the entry of agribusiness into the pampas. This led to a rapid urbanization, significantly altering the spatial practices of the various identified social actors: the proletariat, private sector, and the State. That phenomenon, coupled with the increasing land concentration due to agro-export, has led to the disappearance of peasant farming. Therefore, I aim to argue that there is a process of de-ruralization at play, with this region becoming a spatial fix for agribusiness. Despite labor mobilizations emerging since 2020 at Barrio Chino and at other proletarian neighborhoods in Ica, this problematic has not been deeply addressed in the national academia. Thus, this research contributes to agricultural, rural, and urban studies simultaneously.