La formación axiológica franciscana en la identidad institucional en un colegio de la Provincia Franciscana de los XII Apóstoles del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El actual trabajo de investigación plantea como objetivo analizar la formación
axiológica en los documentos de gestión de un colegio de la Orden Franciscana
de los XII Apóstoles en el Perú. Donde, para dar cumplimiento a este, se emplea
en la metodología el enfoque cualitativo y el nivel descriptivo, se utiliza el análisis
documental como técnica de estudio y como fuentes de análisis el Programa de
Educación Institucional (PEI), la Planificación Anual del Trabajo (PAT) y el
Reglamento Interno (RI). Dentro de los resultados más destacados se tiene que
la formación axiológica en el colegio de la Orden Franciscana estudiada está
claramente reflejada en sus documentos de gestión, pues se evidencia
características de la dimensión humana, de la dimensión cristiana y de la
dimensión franciscana en las fuentes analizadas. Por lo que se concluye que los
valores promovidos por la Orden franciscana, que abarcan las categorías antes
descritas, son fundamentales en la filosofía educativa de la institución. El estudio
señala los valores de un objetivo trazado por parte de la institución en relación
con la formación de los estudiantes y como impulso de un formato educativo
integral, donde no solo sea la mera transmisión de conocimientos, sino que los
valores tales como la dignidad humana, la tolerancia, el perdón, la humildad, la
fraternidad y la minoridad, son claves en este proceso de educar al ser humano
en su integridad.
The current research work aims to analyze the axiological formation in the management documents of a school of the Franciscan Order of the XII Apostles in Peru. Where, to comply with this, the qualitative approach was used, at a descriptive level, documentary analysis was used as a Saudi technique and the Institutional Education Program (PEI), Annual Work Planning (PAT) and the Regulations served as sources. Internal (IR). Among the most notable results is that the axiological training in the school of the Franciscan Order studied is clearly reflected in its management documents, since characteristics of the human, Christian and Franciscan dimension are evident in the aforementioned documents. Therefore, it is concluded that the values promoted by the Franciscan Order, which encompass the human, Christian and Franciscan dimensions, are fundamental in the educational philosophy of the institution. The study points out the values of an objective set by the institution in relation to the training of students and as a promotion of a comprehensive educational format, where it is not only the mere transmission of knowledge, but also values such as human dignity tolerance, forgiveness, humility, fraternity, and minority, are key in this process of educating the human being in his integrity.
The current research work aims to analyze the axiological formation in the management documents of a school of the Franciscan Order of the XII Apostles in Peru. Where, to comply with this, the qualitative approach was used, at a descriptive level, documentary analysis was used as a Saudi technique and the Institutional Education Program (PEI), Annual Work Planning (PAT) and the Regulations served as sources. Internal (IR). Among the most notable results is that the axiological training in the school of the Franciscan Order studied is clearly reflected in its management documents, since characteristics of the human, Christian and Franciscan dimension are evident in the aforementioned documents. Therefore, it is concluded that the values promoted by the Franciscan Order, which encompass the human, Christian and Franciscan dimensions, are fundamental in the educational philosophy of the institution. The study points out the values of an objective set by the institution in relation to the training of students and as a promotion of a comprehensive educational format, where it is not only the mere transmission of knowledge, but also values such as human dignity tolerance, forgiveness, humility, fraternity, and minority, are key in this process of educating the human being in his integrity.
Palabras clave
Franciscanos en Perú, Educación religiosa--Perú, Valores (Filosofía)--Estudio y enseñanza--Perú, Identidad (Psicología)--Perú
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