Paisajes sagrados en el valle medio del río Chillón
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio de geoglifos ha tenido a las Líneas y geoglifos de Nasca y Palpa como paradigma
sobre la investigación de este aspecto tan particular de la cultura andina, sin embargo, nuevas
investigaciones en los últimos 15 años han revelado que lejos de ser el único sitio de
concentración de geoglifos existe mucha más evidencia de ellos en distintas partes de los andes
centrales. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo comprender, dentro de un área
determinada, que rol estarían cumpliendo los campos con geoglifos en el valle medio del río
Chillón. Con esta finalidad hemos utilizado el registro con drones y prospecciones intensivas
junto con recolección de material, principalmente cerámico, en superficie y asociado a los
campos con geoglifos. Como no existe otra manera, estos trabajos han contado con la debida
autorización y supervisión del Ministerio de Cultura. Como resultado de nuestro trabajo se
logró relevar más de 1,343 hectáreas de nuevas zonas arqueológicas que contenían en su
mayoría geoglifos (113) y en muchos casos material cerámico asociado, lo que nos permite
plantear algún tipo de cronología relativa. Nuestro registro y análisis logro determinar que los
campos con geoglifos tienen una alta complejidad y debieron ser utilizados para actividades de
índole ritual. Finalmente se propone que las quebradas o cerros que contenían campos con
geoglifos estaban relacionados a los asentamientos del valle medio y que cada zona con
geoglifos tenía una determina área de influencia.
The study of geoglyphs has had the Lines and geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa as a paradigm for the investigation of this very particular aspect of Andean culture, however, new research in the last 15 years has revealed that far from being the only site of concentration of geoglyphs, there is much more evidence of them in different parts of the central Andes. The objective of this research is to understand, within a given area, what role the fields with geoglyphs would be fulfilling in the middle valley of the Chillón River. For this purpose we have used drone registration and intensive surveys along with the collection of material, mainly ceramic, on the surface and associated with the fields with geoglyphs. As there is no other way, these works have had the proper authorization and supervision of the Ministry of Culture. As a result of our work, it was possible to survey more than 1,343 hectares of new archaeological zones that mostly contain geoglyphs (113) and in many cases associated ceramic material, which allows us to propose some type of relative chronology. Our registration and analysis determined that the fields with geoglyphs have a high complexity and must have been used for ritual activities. Finally, it is proposed that the ravines or hills that contained fields with geoglyphs were related to the settlements of the middle valley and that each area with geoglyphs had a certain area of influence.
The study of geoglyphs has had the Lines and geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa as a paradigm for the investigation of this very particular aspect of Andean culture, however, new research in the last 15 years has revealed that far from being the only site of concentration of geoglyphs, there is much more evidence of them in different parts of the central Andes. The objective of this research is to understand, within a given area, what role the fields with geoglyphs would be fulfilling in the middle valley of the Chillón River. For this purpose we have used drone registration and intensive surveys along with the collection of material, mainly ceramic, on the surface and associated with the fields with geoglyphs. As there is no other way, these works have had the proper authorization and supervision of the Ministry of Culture. As a result of our work, it was possible to survey more than 1,343 hectares of new archaeological zones that mostly contain geoglyphs (113) and in many cases associated ceramic material, which allows us to propose some type of relative chronology. Our registration and analysis determined that the fields with geoglyphs have a high complexity and must have been used for ritual activities. Finally, it is proposed that the ravines or hills that contained fields with geoglyphs were related to the settlements of the middle valley and that each area with geoglyphs had a certain area of influence.
Palabras clave
Arqueología--Andes, Región, Nazca, Líneas de (Perú)--Restos arqueológicos
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