Percepciones de docentes de educación primaria sobre la influencia de su rol en la formación del autoconcepto de los estudiantes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación responde al problema “¿Cuáles son las percepciones de
docentes de educación primaria sobre la influencia de su rol en la formación del
autoconcepto de sus estudiantes?”, y tiene como objetivo principal analizar las
percepciones de docentes de educación primaria sobre su rol en la formación del
autoconcepto de sus estudiantes. Esta investigación es relevante en tanto que es una
de las primeras de su naturaleza. El estudio se ha estructurado en dos partes: marco
teórico e investigación. En la primera parte se revisa teoría acerca de las
características principales del autoconcepto, su importancia y sus dimensiones.
También se profundiza la influencia del autoconcepto en el desempeño escolar y la
influencia que tiene el rol docente en la formación de un autoconcepto positivo en el
estudiante. En la segunda parte se desarrolla la investigación, a partir de un enfoque
cualitativo, donde se exploran las percepciones de un grupo de docentes sobre estos
conceptos, para lo cual se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista y, como instrumento, la
guía de la entrevista semiestructurada. Asimismo, se explica cómo se ha recogido,
organizado y analizado la información. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados de la
investigación, a la luz de los conceptos presentados en el marco teórico, con la
finalidad de crear consciencia sobre este tema, entre los docentes y en los distintos
agentes involucrados en el cambio educativo. Se concluye que el docente de
educación primaria tiene un rol importante en el proceso de formación del
autoconcepto del estudiante, porque es la segunda persona más influyente, después
de sus padres y porque el estudiante se encuentra en una etapa fundamental en la
estructuración de su autoconcepto. Sin duda, la acción docente, desde el ámbito
académico, social y personal, resulta fundamental para favorecer la formación de un
autoconcepto positivo en el estudiante
This research responds to the problem “What are the perceptions of primary school teachers about the influence of their role in the formation of their students' self-concept?”, And its main objective is to analyze the perceptions of primary school teachers about their role in the formation of the self-concept of its students. This research is relevant as it is one of the first of its nature. The study has been structured in two parts: theoretical framework and research. The first part reviews theory about the main characteristics of self-concept, its importance and its dimensions. It also deepens the influence of self-concept on school performance and the influence of the teaching role in the formation of a positive self-concept in the student. The second part develops research, based on a qualitative approach, where the perceptions of a group of teachers on these concepts are explored, for which the interview technique was applied and, as an instrument, the guide to the semistructured interview. It also explains how the information has been collected, organized and analyzed. Finally, the results of the research are presented, in the light of the concepts presented in the theoretical framework, with the aim of creating awareness on this topic, among the teachers and in the different agents involved in the educational change. It is concluded that the primary education teacher has an important role in the process of forming the student's self-concept, because he is the second most influential person, after his parents and because the student is at a fundamental stage in structuring his self-concept. Without a doubt, teaching action, from the academic, social and personal level, is essential to promote the formation of a positive self- concept in the student
This research responds to the problem “What are the perceptions of primary school teachers about the influence of their role in the formation of their students' self-concept?”, And its main objective is to analyze the perceptions of primary school teachers about their role in the formation of the self-concept of its students. This research is relevant as it is one of the first of its nature. The study has been structured in two parts: theoretical framework and research. The first part reviews theory about the main characteristics of self-concept, its importance and its dimensions. It also deepens the influence of self-concept on school performance and the influence of the teaching role in the formation of a positive self-concept in the student. The second part develops research, based on a qualitative approach, where the perceptions of a group of teachers on these concepts are explored, for which the interview technique was applied and, as an instrument, the guide to the semistructured interview. It also explains how the information has been collected, organized and analyzed. Finally, the results of the research are presented, in the light of the concepts presented in the theoretical framework, with the aim of creating awareness on this topic, among the teachers and in the different agents involved in the educational change. It is concluded that the primary education teacher has an important role in the process of forming the student's self-concept, because he is the second most influential person, after his parents and because the student is at a fundamental stage in structuring his self-concept. Without a doubt, teaching action, from the academic, social and personal level, is essential to promote the formation of a positive self- concept in the student
Palabras clave
Autoconcepto, Estudiantes, Personal docente, Innovaciones educativas, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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