El reino de Cuismancu: orígenes y transformación en el Tawantinsuyu
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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En este artículo se presentan los resultados de excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el sitio arqueológico de Tantarica, ubicado en la sierra norte del Perú, y se revisa interpretaciones sobre el reino de Cuismancu sobre la base de los documentos. Hasta la fecha se mantiene la imagen de un reino de Cuismancu que existió antes de la llegada de los incas y que se incorporó bajo su dominio. Sin embargo, esta interpretación no concuerda con los datos arqueológicos. Los materiales arqueológicos de Tantarica presentan una relación más estrecha con la costa norte que con el valle de Cajamarca, indicando que existe más bien una heterogeneidad dentro de dicho reino. Por ello, es razonable pensar que la unidad política del reino de Cuismancu en forma de siete warangas se formó bajo el dominio incaico y que no se remonta al periodo inmediatamente anterior.
The Cuismanco Kingdom: Origins and Transformation in the TawantinsuyuThis paper presents the data of excavation data from Tantarica site, in the northern highland of Peru, also examines the extent interpretations about the Cuismancu Kingdom based on the documents. Up to now the opinion prevents that the Cuismancu Kingdom existed before the arrival of the Incas and was incorporated into the Inca dominion. This interpretation contradicts the archaeological data. The material culture of Tantarica is closer to the north coast than with the Cajamarca Basin, which indicates heterogeneity within the domain of the Cuismancu Kingdom. Thus, it is probable that the political unit as seven warangas of the Cuismancu Kingdom was formed under the Inca domain and is not of preincaic origin.
The Cuismanco Kingdom: Origins and Transformation in the TawantinsuyuThis paper presents the data of excavation data from Tantarica site, in the northern highland of Peru, also examines the extent interpretations about the Cuismancu Kingdom based on the documents. Up to now the opinion prevents that the Cuismancu Kingdom existed before the arrival of the Incas and was incorporated into the Inca dominion. This interpretation contradicts the archaeological data. The material culture of Tantarica is closer to the north coast than with the Cajamarca Basin, which indicates heterogeneity within the domain of the Cuismancu Kingdom. Thus, it is probable that the political unit as seven warangas of the Cuismancu Kingdom was formed under the Inca domain and is not of preincaic origin.
Palabras clave
Arqueología, Tantarica, Reino de Cuismanco, Arquitectura, Cerámica, Fase Cajamarca Final, Archaeology, Tantarica, Cuismanco Kingdom, Architecture, Pottery, Final Cajamarca Phase
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