Business Consulting para Savar Corporación Logística
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Savar Corporación Logística (en adelante SAVAR) es una empresa especialista en soluciones
door to door fundada con capitales 100% peruanos y se dedica a ser operador logístico que
integra verticalmente agente de carga, agente de aduana, almacenes, medios de transporte y
última milla. De acuerdo a la revisión de la información proporcionada por el personal
entrevistado en SAVAR, se detectó un inconveniente en el desarrollo pleno de sus procesos y
se determinó que el problema principal es la falta de intervención en la programación y
planificación de los servicios de los clientes. Esta situación está afectando de manera directa
el uso eficiente de los recursos de la organización, dado que no se está aprovechando al
personal (conductores) ni las unidades de transporte correctamente, alterando su
optimización. A partir de la identificación de este problema se hizo preciso realizar el análisis
de causa raíz, en el cual se identificaron como causas principales: procesos herméticos por
parte de los clientes; toma de decisiones depende generalmente de los lineamientos de la
empresa matriz del cliente; contrato de exclusividad para el uso de los camiones y el diseño
especial de estos; desconocimiento de los clientes del valor agregado de la empresa; y
empresa limitada a labores específicas en la prestación de los servicios. Para solucionar el
problema hallado en SAVAR se propuso las cinco siguientes soluciones: difusión del valor
agregado o propuesta de valor de SAVAR; firma de acuerdo de confidencialidad para no
revelar información interna del cliente; actualización e implementación de los procesos de
control y retroalimentación; implementación de un Tablero de Cuadro de Mando Integral; e
incorporación y capacitación al personal del cliente sobre los procesos de transporte, que
fueron evaluadas considerando indicadores financieros. Se comprobó la viabilidad económica
del proyecto, dado que se obtuvo un VAN positivo de S/1’579,938.61, una TIRM de 70%, el
indicador Beneficio/Costo fue de 7.54; además de que la inversión por el proyecto de
S/241,500.00 se recupera en cinco meses y 24 días.
Savar Corporación Logística (hereinafter: SAVAR) is a company specializes in door to door solutions, founded with 100% Peruvian capital and it is committed to being a logistics operator that vertically integrates freight forwarders, customs agents, warehouses, means of transportation and last mile. According to the information review provided by the personnel interviewed in SAVAR, a problem was detected in the full development of its processes and it was realized that the main problem is the lack of intervention in the programming and planning of services to clients. This situation is directly affecting the efficient use of the organization's resources, due to that personnel (drivers) and transport units are not being used correctly, altering their optimization. Based upon the identification of this problem and the root cause analysis results, the main causes are identified: hermetic processes by clients; making decisions that generally depend on the guidelines of the client's parent company; exclusivity contract for the use of trucks and their special design; lack of customer awareness of the company's added value; and a company limited to specific jobs in the provision of services. The five solutions for the problem are the following: dissemination of the added value or value proposition of SAVAR; signing an internal client information confidentiality agreement; updating and implementation of control and feedback processes; implementation of a Balanced Scorecard Dashboard; and incorporation and training of the client's personnel on transportation processes, which were evaluated considering financial indicators. Having obtained a positive NPV of S/1’579,938.61, a TIRM of 70%, the Benefit/Cost indicator was 7.54. In addition to the fact that the investment for the project of S/241,500.00 will be recovered in five months and 24 days, the economic viability of the implementation of the proposed solution was verified.
Savar Corporación Logística (hereinafter: SAVAR) is a company specializes in door to door solutions, founded with 100% Peruvian capital and it is committed to being a logistics operator that vertically integrates freight forwarders, customs agents, warehouses, means of transportation and last mile. According to the information review provided by the personnel interviewed in SAVAR, a problem was detected in the full development of its processes and it was realized that the main problem is the lack of intervention in the programming and planning of services to clients. This situation is directly affecting the efficient use of the organization's resources, due to that personnel (drivers) and transport units are not being used correctly, altering their optimization. Based upon the identification of this problem and the root cause analysis results, the main causes are identified: hermetic processes by clients; making decisions that generally depend on the guidelines of the client's parent company; exclusivity contract for the use of trucks and their special design; lack of customer awareness of the company's added value; and a company limited to specific jobs in the provision of services. The five solutions for the problem are the following: dissemination of the added value or value proposition of SAVAR; signing an internal client information confidentiality agreement; updating and implementation of control and feedback processes; implementation of a Balanced Scorecard Dashboard; and incorporation and training of the client's personnel on transportation processes, which were evaluated considering financial indicators. Having obtained a positive NPV of S/1’579,938.61, a TIRM of 70%, the Benefit/Cost indicator was 7.54. In addition to the fact that the investment for the project of S/241,500.00 will be recovered in five months and 24 days, the economic viability of the implementation of the proposed solution was verified.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Aduanas--Perú
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