Diseño gráfico en el Perú de inicios del siglo XX: Los carteles avant garde de Elena Izcue, 1930-1940
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A Elena Izcue se le conoce por sus estudios artísticos y gráficos de la iconografía del arte precolombino. Sin embargo, es importante rescatar y visibilizar sus propuestas gráficas de carteles realizados entre 1930 y 1940, que se alejaron del arraigado concepto iconográfico peruano para adentrarse en una exploración formal y compositiva que tomó como referencia las manifestaciones artísticas y gráficas europeas. Esa experiencia le permitió hacer propuestas creativas e innovadoras que dialogaron con el lenguaje de las vanguardias y que luego entretejió con el lenguaje visual local. Fue un proceso interesante de transculturación visual en el que la vanguardia internacional influyó a Izcue a través del cartel y luego le dio el sentido identitario cuando regresó al Perú.
Elena Izcue is known for her artistic and graphic studies of the pre-Columbian art iconography. However, it is important to rescue and make visible her graphic proposals for posters made between 1930 and 1940, which moved away from the ingrained Peruvian iconographic concept to enter into a formal and compositional exploration taking as references the European artistic and graphic manifestations. That experience allowed her to make creative and innovative proposals that dialogued with the language of the avant-garde, which she later intertwined with the local visual language. It was an interesting process of visual transculturation in which the international avant-garde influenced Izcue through posters, which later gave her a sense of identity when she returned to Peru.
Elena Izcue is known for her artistic and graphic studies of the pre-Columbian art iconography. However, it is important to rescue and make visible her graphic proposals for posters made between 1930 and 1940, which moved away from the ingrained Peruvian iconographic concept to enter into a formal and compositional exploration taking as references the European artistic and graphic manifestations. That experience allowed her to make creative and innovative proposals that dialogued with the language of the avant-garde, which she later intertwined with the local visual language. It was an interesting process of visual transculturation in which the international avant-garde influenced Izcue through posters, which later gave her a sense of identity when she returned to Peru.
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