Dinolandia, una serie web animada para niños de 4 a 6 años, desde la perspectiva de las áreas de Dirección y Dirección de Arte
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Dinolandia (2020) ha sido pensado como una propuesta de un capítulo piloto de serie web para
niños(as) de entre los 4 y 6 años de edad, aquellos que se encuentran en una etapa pre-escolar
y escolar. La temática elegida para el proyecto está basada en reforzar el valor de la amistad y
tiene como personajes principales a tres niños dinosaurios. Esto con la finalidad de desarrollar
las capacidades y habilidades cognitivas del infante, ya que existen diversos estudios
psicológicos que explican que los dinosaurios son un factor beneficioso para el desarrollo
cognitivo infantil. A parte de ello, la pasión por la animación y nuestra añoranza de haber visto
dibujos animados en el cine y la televisión cuando éramos unos niños(as), ha sido otra
motivación importante para este proyecto. Así, Dinolandia tiene como objetivo transmitir la
importancia del compañerismo y la amistad, es decir, empezar a pensar en el prójimo y no solo
en uno(a) mismo(a). Para ello, se busca contar la historia con una propuesta atractiva sonora y
visual, tanto en el diseño de sus personajes y fondos, con la finalidad de atraer y captar la
atención del infante. El proyecto piloto está pensado principalmente para ser emitido mediante
la plataforma de YouTube Kids. A la vez, puede ser promovido en festivales, ser exhibido en
instituciones educativas respetando los protocolos sanitarios y/o en mesas de conversación
online con el equipo realizador. Si bien, se contó con un equipo de seis integrantes, la presente
investigación solo será abordada desde la perspectiva de las áreas de Dirección y Dirección de
Arte. Como producto audiovisual final se obtuvo un capítulo con una duración de ocho minutos
aproximadamente, en el cual, a modo de conclusión, se busca reforzar la práctica e importancia
del compañerismo con la finalidad de fomentar la educación de valores en nuestro público
objetivo mediante un formato animado que es divertido, entretenido y educativo.
Dinolandia (2020) has been designed as a proposal for a pilot chapter of a Web Series for children between 4 and 6 years of age, who are in a pre-school and school stage. The theme chosen for the project is based on reinforcing the value of friendship and its main characters are three dinosaur children. This in order to develop the cognitive abilities and skills of the infant, since there are various psychological studies that explain that dinosaurs are a beneficial factor for children's cognitive development. Apart from this, the passion for animation and our longing for having seen cartoons on film and television when we were children has been another important motivation for this project. Thus, Dinolandia aims to convey the importance of companionship and friendship, in other words, to begin to think about others and not only about oneself. For this, it seeks to tell the story with an attractive sound and visual proposal, both in the design of its characters and backgrounds, in order to attract and capture the attention of the infant. The pilot project is primarily intended to be broadcast through the YouTube Kids platform. At the same time, it can be promoted at festivals, exhibited in educational institutions respecting health protocols and/or in online conversations with the filmmaking team. Although there was a team of six members, this research will only be approached from the perspective of the Direction and Art Direction areas. As a final audiovisual product, a chapter with a duration of approximately eight minutes was obtained, in which, as a conclusion, it seeks to reinforce the practice and importance of companionship in order to promote the education of values in our target audience through an animated format which is fun, entertaining and educational.
Dinolandia (2020) has been designed as a proposal for a pilot chapter of a Web Series for children between 4 and 6 years of age, who are in a pre-school and school stage. The theme chosen for the project is based on reinforcing the value of friendship and its main characters are three dinosaur children. This in order to develop the cognitive abilities and skills of the infant, since there are various psychological studies that explain that dinosaurs are a beneficial factor for children's cognitive development. Apart from this, the passion for animation and our longing for having seen cartoons on film and television when we were children has been another important motivation for this project. Thus, Dinolandia aims to convey the importance of companionship and friendship, in other words, to begin to think about others and not only about oneself. For this, it seeks to tell the story with an attractive sound and visual proposal, both in the design of its characters and backgrounds, in order to attract and capture the attention of the infant. The pilot project is primarily intended to be broadcast through the YouTube Kids platform. At the same time, it can be promoted at festivals, exhibited in educational institutions respecting health protocols and/or in online conversations with the filmmaking team. Although there was a team of six members, this research will only be approached from the perspective of the Direction and Art Direction areas. As a final audiovisual product, a chapter with a duration of approximately eight minutes was obtained, in which, as a conclusion, it seeks to reinforce the practice and importance of companionship in order to promote the education of values in our target audience through an animated format which is fun, entertaining and educational.
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