La universalidad hacia las TIC en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) han revolucionado la forma de vivir de las personas. Sin embargo, como consecuencia de la brecha digital, no todos pueden beneficiarse de ellas, lo cual implica la vulneración de los derechos fundamentales que se ejercen a través de aquellos medios. Esta situación se ha visto especialmente acentuada a raíz de la pandemia de COVID-19.En ese contexto, se ha hablado del acceso y servicio universal como herramientas para lograr la inclusión digital de toda la población, mediante su inserción en el ecosistema digital y la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. Para lograr esa universalidad, en Colombia se ha generado un marco legal y desarrollo jurisprudencial que busca aumentar la cobertura, infraestructura y apropiación de las TIC por parte de la población. Estas normas y decisiones serán analizadas en el presente artículo.Adicionalmente, se hará una breve referencia al caso del Perú. Se le comparará con el caso colombiano a fin de encontrar puntos en común entre ambos. Finalmente, se brindará una serie de recomendaciones en aras de lograr el acceso y servicio universal en los dos países, con base principalmente en la experiencia colombiana.
Information and Communication Technologies have revolutionized people’s lives. However, as a consequence of the digital divide, not everyone can benefit from them, which leads to the violation of fundamental rights that are exercised through these instruments. This situation has increased and become more noticeable as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.In this context, universal access and service have been discussed as tools to achieve digital inclusion through the insertion of the population into the digital ecosystem and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To achieve this universality, Colombia has developed a legal framework and some jurisprudence looking forward to increase coverage, infrastructure, and appropriation of ICT by the population. The aforementioned legislation and decisions will be analysed in this article.Additionally, a brief reference will be made to the case of Peru, comparing it with the Colombian case, trying to find common points between both. Lastly, the article will provide recommendations to achieve universal access and service in both countries.
Information and Communication Technologies have revolutionized people’s lives. However, as a consequence of the digital divide, not everyone can benefit from them, which leads to the violation of fundamental rights that are exercised through these instruments. This situation has increased and become more noticeable as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.In this context, universal access and service have been discussed as tools to achieve digital inclusion through the insertion of the population into the digital ecosystem and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To achieve this universality, Colombia has developed a legal framework and some jurisprudence looking forward to increase coverage, infrastructure, and appropriation of ICT by the population. The aforementioned legislation and decisions will be analysed in this article.Additionally, a brief reference will be made to the case of Peru, comparing it with the Colombian case, trying to find common points between both. Lastly, the article will provide recommendations to achieve universal access and service in both countries.
Palabras clave
Acceso universal, Servicio Universal, Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, Brecha digital, Colombia, Perú
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