Legitimación del proceso de renovación de cuadros desarrollado por la Policía Nacional del Perú para contrarrestar el elevado número de mandatos judiciales que disponen la nulidad de las Resoluciones de pase a retiro y la reincorporación de Oficiales (2019-2022)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
De acuerdo con las encuestas generada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática
(2023) la delincuencia es uno de los principales problemas que afecta a los peruanos, situación
que viene siendo una constante desde el año 2011. La Policía Nacional del Perú es la institución
que por ley tiene la misión de combatirla, sin embargo, enfrenta una serie de problemas que
limita su accionar, entre ellas la facultad de organizar su estructura piramidal, situación que es
generada principalmente porque las decisiones tomadas para el logro de esta estructura, a través
de los procesos de pase a la situación de retiro renovación de cuadros de Oficiales PNP, al
llegar a instancias judiciales son declaradas nulas y se dispone la reincorporación a la situación
de actividad del Oficial pasado a retiro, por encontrarse defectos que contravienen la legalidad
y los derechos del administrado. Por lo indicado el presente proyecto tiene como objetivo
generar una propuesta innovadora que contrarreste este problema; para ello en el estudio se ha
determinado como sus principales causas, las deficiencias en el procedimiento empleado, uso
inadecuado de la discrecionalidad, ausencia de motivación suficiente e ineficacia del control
jurídico de las Resoluciones de pase a retiro. En base a las causas, se crea una solución
innovadora denominada “Legitimación del proceso de renovación de cuadros desarrollado por
la PNP para que sus decisiones no presenten defectos que den lugar a mandatos judiciales que
dispongan su nulidad y la reincorporación del Oficial demandante”, la que debe materializarse
a través de un debido proceso, el uso adecuado de la discrecionalidad y la expresión de las
decisiones en Actas individuales debidamente motivadas cuya formulación recaiga en
abogados con especialidad en derecho administrativo y que además, estos documentos sean
sujetas a un filtro legal encargado a un estudio jurídico de reconocido prestigio.
According to surveys generated by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (2023), crime is one of the main problems that affects Peruvians, a situation that has been a constant since 2011. The National Police of Peru is the institution which by law has the mission of combating it, however, faces a series of problems that limit its actions, among them the power to organize its pyramidal structure, a situation that is generated mainly because the decisions taken to achieve this structure, through of the processes of transition to the status of retirement and renewal of cadres of PNP Officers, when they reach judicial authorities, they are declared null and the reincorporation into the activity situation of the Officer who has retired is ordered, due to defects being found that contravene the law and the rights of the administrator. Therefore, this project aims to generate an innovative proposal that counteracts this problem; For this, the study has determined as its main causes, deficiencies in the procedure used, inadequate use of discretion, absence of sufficient motivation and ineffectiveness of legal control of the Resolutions of retirement. Based on the causes, an innovative solution is created called “Legitimation of the cadre renewal process developed by the PNP so that its decisions do not present defects that give rise to judicial orders that order its annulment and the reinstatement of the complaining Officer”, the that must be materialized through due process, the appropriate use of discretion and the expression of decisions in duly motivated individual Minutes whose formulation falls to lawyers specializing in administrative law and that, in addition, these documents are subject to a legal filter in charge to a law firm of recognized prestige.
According to surveys generated by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (2023), crime is one of the main problems that affects Peruvians, a situation that has been a constant since 2011. The National Police of Peru is the institution which by law has the mission of combating it, however, faces a series of problems that limit its actions, among them the power to organize its pyramidal structure, a situation that is generated mainly because the decisions taken to achieve this structure, through of the processes of transition to the status of retirement and renewal of cadres of PNP Officers, when they reach judicial authorities, they are declared null and the reincorporation into the activity situation of the Officer who has retired is ordered, due to defects being found that contravene the law and the rights of the administrator. Therefore, this project aims to generate an innovative proposal that counteracts this problem; For this, the study has determined as its main causes, deficiencies in the procedure used, inadequate use of discretion, absence of sufficient motivation and ineffectiveness of legal control of the Resolutions of retirement. Based on the causes, an innovative solution is created called “Legitimation of the cadre renewal process developed by the PNP so that its decisions do not present defects that give rise to judicial orders that order its annulment and the reinstatement of the complaining Officer”, the that must be materialized through due process, the appropriate use of discretion and the expression of decisions in duly motivated individual Minutes whose formulation falls to lawyers specializing in administrative law and that, in addition, these documents are subject to a legal filter in charge to a law firm of recognized prestige.
Palabras clave
Policía Nacional (Perú), Debido proceso--Perú, Discrecionalidad judicial--Perú, Policía--Jubilación--Perú