La dinámica controversial de la política científica colombiana 1990-2017: una aproximación sociológica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente artículo sintetiza una investigación sobre la apropiación del modelo internacional de innovación en la política científica colombiana y la dinámica controversial generada tras su implementación. El modo de análisis adoptado radica en una integración por combinación de enfoques micro (representaciones y controversias), con enfoques macro (cultura mundial y la teoría de campo), articulados a un procedimiento metodológico en el que se propone como novedad un índice de controversialidad, y tras ello, afloran resultados que muestran cómo la difusión del modelo internacional centrado en la innovación ha sido efectivo, pero que dado su énfasis en la utilidad económica de la ciencia, ha terminado generando controversias entre los agentes científicos, vinculados con el incipiente mundo social de la ciencia en Colombia y evidenciando una percepción de malestar. Ante este descubrimiento, en la discusión se sugiere cómo podría ser un modelo ciudadano alterno de política científica, en donde la representación económica de innovación se equilibre con la innovación social y ambiental.
This article synthesizes an investigation on the appropriation of the international model of innovation in Colombian Scientific Policy and the controversial dynamics generated after its implementation. The mode of analysis adopted lies in an integration by a combination of micro approaches (representations and controversies), with macro approaches (world culture and field theory), articulated to a methodological procedure in which an index of controversiality is proposed as a novelty, And after that, results emerge that show how the dissemination of the international model focused on innovation has been effective, but that given its emphasis on the economic utility of science, it has ended up generating controversies among scientific agents, linked to the incipient social world of science in Colombia, showing a perception of discomfort. Given this discovery, the discussion suggests how an alternative citizen model of scientific policy could be, where the economic representation of innovation is balanced with social and environmental innovation.
This article synthesizes an investigation on the appropriation of the international model of innovation in Colombian Scientific Policy and the controversial dynamics generated after its implementation. The mode of analysis adopted lies in an integration by a combination of micro approaches (representations and controversies), with macro approaches (world culture and field theory), articulated to a methodological procedure in which an index of controversiality is proposed as a novelty, And after that, results emerge that show how the dissemination of the international model focused on innovation has been effective, but that given its emphasis on the economic utility of science, it has ended up generating controversies among scientific agents, linked to the incipient social world of science in Colombia, showing a perception of discomfort. Given this discovery, the discussion suggests how an alternative citizen model of scientific policy could be, where the economic representation of innovation is balanced with social and environmental innovation.
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