Cobertura noticiosa y especialización en periodismo científico: un análisis de las noticias de ciencia y salud producidas durante los tres primeros meses de la pandemia de la Covid-19 en los diarios impresos El Comercio y La República
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los medios masivos cumplieron un rol importante durante la pandemia de la Covid-19 al
comunicar los datos proporcionados por entidades de salud e informar de manera
comprensible los procesos científicos que se llevan a cabo en tiempo real. Este contexto
evidencia la necesidad de que los ciudadanos tengan acceso a información confiable que les
ayude a tomar decisiones sobre su salud. Sin embargo, la emergencia sanitaria también
constató que la mayoría de medios peruanos no cuentan con una sección específica dedicada
a la ciencia ni con periodistas especializados en este campo. Por ese motivo, la presente
investigación analiza la influencia de la escasa especialización en periodismo científico en la
cobertura noticiosa de temas de ciencia y salud en los diarios impresos El Comercio y La
República durante los primeros tres meses de la pandemia. Este trabajo busca identificar las
características y el proceso periodístico en la cobertura de temas de ciencia y salud y también
quiere indagar en el nivel de especialización en periodismo científico presente en las
redacciones. Estos objetivos se lograrán mediante el análisis de noticias publicadas por
ambos diarios en los tres primeros meses de la pandemia (marzo, abril y mayo), y a través de
entrevistas a periodistas de cada uno de los diarios. Los resultados muestran que existe una
deficiente valoración noticiosa, puesto que solo El Comercio cuenta con una sección
específica de Ciencia; además, en ambos medios, las noticias científicas suelen ocupar
espacios reducidos. Asimismo, se identificó que las noticias de ciencia y salud poseen un
carácter internacional y que la variedad de fuentes nacionales especializadas suele ser
limitada. Finalmente, ninguno de los entrevistados posee una formación profesional
especializada en periodismo científico; sin embargo, todos coinciden en que contar con una
mejoraría el desempeño de su trabajo.
The mass media play an important role during the Covid-19 pandemic by communicating the data provided by health entities and informing in an understandable way the scientific processes that are carried out in real time. This context evidences the need for citizens to have access to reliable information that helps them make decisions about their health. However, the health emergency also confirmed that the majority of Peruvian media do not have a specific section dedicated to science or journalists specialized in this field. For this reason, this research analyzes the influence of the scarce specialization in science journalism on the news coverage of science and health issues in the printed newspapers El Comercio and La República during the first three months of the pandemic. This work seeks to identify the characteristics and the journalistic process in the coverage of science and health issues and also seeks to investigate the level of specialization in scientific journalism present in the newsrooms. These objectives will be achieved through the analysis of news published by both newspapers in the first three months of the pandemic (March, April and May), and through interviews with journalists of each of the newspapers. The results show that there is a deficient news assessment, since only El Comercio has a specific Science section; In addition, in both media, scientific news usually occupies small spaces. Likewise, it was identified that science and health news have an international character and that the variety of specialized national sources is usually limited. Finally, none of the interviewees has specialized professional training in science journalism; however, all agree that having one would improve their job performance.
The mass media play an important role during the Covid-19 pandemic by communicating the data provided by health entities and informing in an understandable way the scientific processes that are carried out in real time. This context evidences the need for citizens to have access to reliable information that helps them make decisions about their health. However, the health emergency also confirmed that the majority of Peruvian media do not have a specific section dedicated to science or journalists specialized in this field. For this reason, this research analyzes the influence of the scarce specialization in science journalism on the news coverage of science and health issues in the printed newspapers El Comercio and La República during the first three months of the pandemic. This work seeks to identify the characteristics and the journalistic process in the coverage of science and health issues and also seeks to investigate the level of specialization in scientific journalism present in the newsrooms. These objectives will be achieved through the analysis of news published by both newspapers in the first three months of the pandemic (March, April and May), and through interviews with journalists of each of the newspapers. The results show that there is a deficient news assessment, since only El Comercio has a specific Science section; In addition, in both media, scientific news usually occupies small spaces. Likewise, it was identified that science and health news have an international character and that the variety of specialized national sources is usually limited. Finally, none of the interviewees has specialized professional training in science journalism; however, all agree that having one would improve their job performance.
Palabras clave
COVID-19 (Enfermedad), Periodismo científico--Perú, Periodismo--Perú, Periódicos peruanos--Siglo XXI
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