Business consulting a la Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes (“CRAC Los Andes”) es una organización
constituida como sociedad anónima en septiembre de 1996 bajo la denominación de
“Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Aymaras S.A.”. En noviembre de 1997, fue
autorizada para operar por la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP, e inició
actividades formalmente en diciembre de 1997. Posteriormente, en marzo de 1999, en
Junta General de Accionistas se acordó cambiar la razón social a “Caja Rural de
Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes S.A.”. La finalidad de la creación de Caja Los Andes fue
la de atender a los segmentos no bancarizados dentro del ámbito rural del país. Se ha
observado que se tienen ciertas dificultades para lograr los objetivos planteados, es
por ello que se plantea hacer una consultoría a CRAC Los Andes como tesis de
sustentación de grado de maestría.
Los resultados alcanzados en el proceso de consultoría han permitido lo
siguiente: (a) revisar y formular una nueva visión para Caja Rural Los Andes,
considerando los estatutos de esta organización; (b) revisar y formular una nueva
misión para Caja Rural Los Andes, de acuerdo a los fines para los cuales ha sido
constituida y tomando en cuenta el entorno cambiante en el que se desenvuelve; (c) la
formulación de los valores para la institución; (d) la realización de un análisis externo,
el cual ha permitido identificar oportunidades y amenazas que se han ponderado en la
Matriz de Evaluación de Factores Externos (MEFE); (e) la realización de un análisis
interno, el cual ha permitido identificar fortalezas y debilidades, las cuales se han
ponderado en la Matriz de Evaluación de Factores Internos (MEFI); (f) asimismo se
ha efectuado el análisis de Perfil Competitivo-referencial; (g) se ha identificado los
Intereses Organizacionales, los cuales se han plasmado en la Matriz de Intereses
Organizacionales (MIO), con el fin de después formular los objetivos estratégicos. Para finalizar el proceso, se han identificado los principales problemas con los
que cuenta la CRAC Los Andes y se han elaborado las propuestas de solución de
manera acorde. Además, se ha desarrollado la relación detallada de los planes de
acción necesarios para desarrollar las capacidades claves estratégicas en el largo
plazo, y así conseguir las mejoras propuestas.
Un plan estratégico realizado con el apoyo metodológico y experiencia de
expertos externos a la organización, pero desarrollado en conjunto con quienes
conocen muy de cerca la organización, permite obtener resultados eficientes y
sostenibles en el largo plazo, además de generar el compromiso de todos los
involucrados, permitiéndoles hacer mejoras y modificaciones en un futuro.
Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes ("CRAC Los Andes") is an organization incorporated as a corporation in September 1996 under the name "Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Aymaras S.A.". In November 1997, it was authorized to operate by the Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP, and formally began operations in December 1997. Subsequently, in March 1999, in a General Shareholders' Meeting, it was agreed to change the corporate name to "Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes S.A.". The purpose of the creation of Caja Los Andes was to serve the unbanked segments within the rural area of the country. It has been observed that there are certain difficulties to achieve the proposed objectives, that is why a consultancy to CRAC Los Andes is proposed as a master's degree thesis. The results achieved in the consultancy process have allowed the following: (a) review and formulate a new vision for Caja Rural Los Andes, considering the bylaws of this organization; (b) review and formulate a new mission for Caja Rural Los Andes, according to the purposes for which it has been constituted and taking into account the changing environment in which it operates; (c) the formulation of values for the institution; (d) the performance of an external analysis, which has allowed identifying opportunities and threats that have been weighted in the External Factors Evaluation Matrix (MEFE); (e) an internal analysis, which identified strengths and weaknesses, which were weighted in the Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (MEFI); (f) a Competitive-Referential Profile analysis was also carried out; (g) the Organizational Interests were identified, which were reflected in the Organizational Interests Matrix (MIO), in order to then formulate the strategic objectives. To finalize the process, the main problems faced by the CRAC Los Andes have been identified and proposals for solutions have been developed accordingly. In addition, the strategic map and the Balanced Scorecard control board of Caja Rural Los Andes have been developed, together with the objectives, indicators and goals, as well as a detailed list of the action plans necessary to develop the key strategic capabilities in the medium and long term, and thus achieve the proposed improvements. A strategic plan carried out with the methodological support and experience of experts from outside the organization, but developed in conjunction with those who know the organization very closely, allows obtaining efficient and sustainable results in the long term, in addition to generating the commitment of all those involved, allowing them to make improvements and modifications in the future.
Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes ("CRAC Los Andes") is an organization incorporated as a corporation in September 1996 under the name "Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Aymaras S.A.". In November 1997, it was authorized to operate by the Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP, and formally began operations in December 1997. Subsequently, in March 1999, in a General Shareholders' Meeting, it was agreed to change the corporate name to "Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes S.A.". The purpose of the creation of Caja Los Andes was to serve the unbanked segments within the rural area of the country. It has been observed that there are certain difficulties to achieve the proposed objectives, that is why a consultancy to CRAC Los Andes is proposed as a master's degree thesis. The results achieved in the consultancy process have allowed the following: (a) review and formulate a new vision for Caja Rural Los Andes, considering the bylaws of this organization; (b) review and formulate a new mission for Caja Rural Los Andes, according to the purposes for which it has been constituted and taking into account the changing environment in which it operates; (c) the formulation of values for the institution; (d) the performance of an external analysis, which has allowed identifying opportunities and threats that have been weighted in the External Factors Evaluation Matrix (MEFE); (e) an internal analysis, which identified strengths and weaknesses, which were weighted in the Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (MEFI); (f) a Competitive-Referential Profile analysis was also carried out; (g) the Organizational Interests were identified, which were reflected in the Organizational Interests Matrix (MIO), in order to then formulate the strategic objectives. To finalize the process, the main problems faced by the CRAC Los Andes have been identified and proposals for solutions have been developed accordingly. In addition, the strategic map and the Balanced Scorecard control board of Caja Rural Los Andes have been developed, together with the objectives, indicators and goals, as well as a detailed list of the action plans necessary to develop the key strategic capabilities in the medium and long term, and thus achieve the proposed improvements. A strategic plan carried out with the methodological support and experience of experts from outside the organization, but developed in conjunction with those who know the organization very closely, allows obtaining efficient and sustainable results in the long term, in addition to generating the commitment of all those involved, allowing them to make improvements and modifications in the future.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Servicios financieros--Perú, Instituciones financieras--Perú, Familias rurales--Perú