Business consulting para la empresa Caja Municipal de Sullana SA.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Caja Sullana SA es una empresa peruana dedicada a la intermediación financiera, propiedad
de la Municipalidad Provincial de Sullana (96.05%) y del Fondo de Cajas Municipales
(3.95%). Inició sus operaciones en 1986, con el objeto de facilitar el acceso al financiamiento
formal de las micro y pequeñas empresas. Sus principales productos y servicios son: los
créditos empresariales, personales, prendarios, agropecuarios, cuenta de ahorro, depósitos a
plazo fijo, servicios de recaudación, seguros, etc. En los últimos años, Caja Sullana viene
generando pérdidas económicas financieras, pese a que ha adoptado diversas estrategias para
incrementar los ingresos y reducir gastos no logra revertir la situación poniendo en riesgo la
continuidad de sus operaciones.
El objetivo principal de la consultoría fue identificar el problema principal, que viene
afectando la situación económica financiera de la entidad, el análisis de sus posibles
soluciones y la elaboración de un plan de implementación. Se determinó que el problema
principal son los elevados niveles de deterioro de cartera que experimenta la empresa, lo cual
tiene impacto negativo tanto en la generación de los ingresos por intereses de cartera y como
en los gastos de provisión.
Se propusieron tres alternativas de solución en función a las causas del problema principal, las
cuales fueron evaluadas en función a criterios específicos, determinándose mejorar el sistema
de administración de riesgo crediticio, a través de adecuada estructura organizacional, mejora
de procesos y procedimientos de crédito, herramientas tecnológicas y personal idóneo,
contribuirá a solucionar el problema central de deterioro de cartera de Caja Sullana.
Finalmente, se elaboró y propuso un plan de implementación con su respectivo presupuesto.
Además, se reconocieron los elementos críticos para asegurar de éxito del plan, y los
resultados esperados de llevar a cabo las propuestas de solución.
Caja Sullana SA is a Peruvian company dedicated to financial intermediation, owned by the Provincial Municipality of Sullana (96.05%) and the Fund of Municipal Savings Banks (3.95%). It began its operations in 1986, in order to facilitate access to formal financing for micro and small businesses. Its main products and services are: business, personal, collateral, agricultural loans, savings accounts, fixed-term deposits, collection services, insurance, etc. In recent years, Caja Sullana has been generating financial economic losses, despite the fact that it has adopted various strategies to increase income and reduce expenses, it has not been able to reverse the situation, putting the continuity of its operations at risk. The main objective of the consultancy was to identify the main problem, which has been affecting the economic and financial situation of the entity, as well as the evaluation of its possible solution alternatives and the elaboration of an implementation plan. It was determined that the main problem is the high levels of portfolio deterioration experienced by the company, which has a negative impact both on the generation of portfolio interest income and on provision expenses. Three solution alternatives were proposed based on the causes of the main problem, which were evaluated based on specific criteria, determining to improve the credit risk management system, through an adequate organizational structure, improvement of credit processes and procedures, technological tools and suitable personnel, will contribute to solving the central problem of deterioration of Caja Sullana's portfolio. Finally, an implementation plan was prepared and proposed with its respective budget. In addition, the critical elements were recognized to ensure the success of the plan, and the expected results of carrying out the solution proposals.
Caja Sullana SA is a Peruvian company dedicated to financial intermediation, owned by the Provincial Municipality of Sullana (96.05%) and the Fund of Municipal Savings Banks (3.95%). It began its operations in 1986, in order to facilitate access to formal financing for micro and small businesses. Its main products and services are: business, personal, collateral, agricultural loans, savings accounts, fixed-term deposits, collection services, insurance, etc. In recent years, Caja Sullana has been generating financial economic losses, despite the fact that it has adopted various strategies to increase income and reduce expenses, it has not been able to reverse the situation, putting the continuity of its operations at risk. The main objective of the consultancy was to identify the main problem, which has been affecting the economic and financial situation of the entity, as well as the evaluation of its possible solution alternatives and the elaboration of an implementation plan. It was determined that the main problem is the high levels of portfolio deterioration experienced by the company, which has a negative impact both on the generation of portfolio interest income and on provision expenses. Three solution alternatives were proposed based on the causes of the main problem, which were evaluated based on specific criteria, determining to improve the credit risk management system, through an adequate organizational structure, improvement of credit processes and procedures, technological tools and suitable personnel, will contribute to solving the central problem of deterioration of Caja Sullana's portfolio. Finally, an implementation plan was prepared and proposed with its respective budget. In addition, the critical elements were recognized to ensure the success of the plan, and the expected results of carrying out the solution proposals.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Microfinanzas--Perú, Pequeñas empresas--Finanzas, Empresas--Financiación, Pequeñas empresas--Perú