De la ciudad un refugio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El cortometraje transita por un vínculo personal de lxs autores frente a la aprehensión de
la ciudad en la que habitan. Esta presenta una esfera de ensayos, rituales y performances
que se traslucen en la configuración de una memoria colectiva desde lo personal e íntimo.
Es así como las imágenes se vislumbran como alquimia que entremezclan experiencias
conjuntas entre sus protagonistas y su sociedad. Ello bajo la mirada de un espectador
metafísico, un ente, a quien la pregunta lo encuentra y este es volcado a encontrar pistas
que calmen su asombro frente a la existencia misma. Entre catarsis testimoniales, distintas
realidades políticas, sociales y cotidianas el ente se sumerge en un devenir por encontrar
su lugar en el mundo. A la vez, este documental trata de relatar la vida cotidiana desde un
punto de vista en primera persona, así es como el sentir de la cámara será también lo que
buscamos que sienta el espectador. De manera que el ente no solo se guía por los
personajes que encuentra en su viaje por la ciudad, sino por memorias imaginadas que lo
transforman. Queremos que se sienta una evolución en esta exploración sobre la
formación de una identidad con el pasar del tiempo.
The short film goes through a personal bond of the authors in the face of the apprehension of the city in which they live. This presents a sphere of rehearsals, rituals and performances that are reflected in the configuration of a collective memory from the personal and intimate. This is how the images are seen as alchemy that intermingle joint experiences between their protagonists and their society. This under the gaze of a metaphysical spectator, an entity, who is found by the question and this is overturned to find clues that calm his astonishment in the face of existence itself. Between testimonial catharsis, different political, social and daily realities, the entity immerses itself in a future to find its place in the world. At the same time, this documentary tries to relate daily life from a first-person point of view, this is how the feeling of the camera will also be what we want the viewer to feel. So the entity is not only guided by the characters it encounters on its journey through the city, but by imagined memories that transform it. We want you to feel an evolution in this exploration of the formation of an identity over time.
The short film goes through a personal bond of the authors in the face of the apprehension of the city in which they live. This presents a sphere of rehearsals, rituals and performances that are reflected in the configuration of a collective memory from the personal and intimate. This is how the images are seen as alchemy that intermingle joint experiences between their protagonists and their society. This under the gaze of a metaphysical spectator, an entity, who is found by the question and this is overturned to find clues that calm his astonishment in the face of existence itself. Between testimonial catharsis, different political, social and daily realities, the entity immerses itself in a future to find its place in the world. At the same time, this documentary tries to relate daily life from a first-person point of view, this is how the feeling of the camera will also be what we want the viewer to feel. So the entity is not only guided by the characters it encounters on its journey through the city, but by imagined memories that transform it. We want you to feel an evolution in this exploration of the formation of an identity over time.
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