Planeamiento estratégico de la tolerancia e inclusión en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento es la propuesta de un Planeamiento Estratégico para la
Tolerancia e Inclusión del Perú entre el 2017 y 2025; con la finalidad de mejorar su calidad
de vida, desarrollando sus capacidades, sin discriminación y en igualdad de oportunidades. El
presente Planeamiento Estratégico está basado en el Estudio del Índice de Progreso Social
Regional Perú 2016 publicado y difundido por Centrum; donde resume en cuatro indicadores
la realidad de la Tolerancia e Inclusión: (a) indicador de la violencia contra la mujer, (b)
indicador de la discriminación de las minorías étnicas, (c) indicador de los inmigrantes, e (d)
indicador de la discriminación a personas discapacitadas, los cuales han sido tomados para
formular los objetivos a largo plazo.
Para el desarrollo de este documento se ha utilizado el modelo secuencial del proceso
estratégico, considerando una serie de tareas de forma secuencial e iterativa; el cual permite
analizar el entorno externo e interno, identificar fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y
amenazas, que permiten generar acciones y estrategias en miras de construir un país tolerante,
inclusivo, libre de discriminación, con igualdad de oportunidades, y alineado a nuestra visión.
Finalmente, como parte de este documento se propone una serie de estrategias
alineadas a los objetivos de largo y corto plazo, así como un plan de monitoreo y seguimiento
que permitirá evaluar de forma constante y periódica, el cumplimiento de cada uno de los
objetivos orientados hacia un país inclusivo, con igualdad de oportunidades para todos los
habitantes del país
This document is the proposal of a Strategic Planning for Tolerance and Inclusion of Peru between 2017 and 2025; in order to improve their quality of life, developing their skills, without discrimination and on equal opportunities. This PEA is based on the Regional Social Progress Index Study published and diffused by Centrum; where it summarizes in four indicators the reality of Tolerance and Inclusion: (a) Indicator of violence against women, (b) Indicator of ethnic minority discrimination, (c) Indicator of the immigrants, and (d) Indicator of discrimination against people with a disability, which have been taken to formulate the long-term objectives. For the development of this document, the sequential model of the strategic process has been used, considering a series of sequentially and iteratively tasks; which allows analyzing the external and internal environment, identifying strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats to generate actions and strategies to make a country tolerant, inclusive, free from discrimination and with equal opportunities, and aligned with our vision. Finally, as part of this document, we propose a series of strategies aligned to the long and short term objectives, as well as a monitoring and follow-up plan that will allow to evaluate, in a constant and periodic way, the fulfillment of each one of the objectives; encouraging an inclusive country with equal opportunities for all the inhabitants of the country
This document is the proposal of a Strategic Planning for Tolerance and Inclusion of Peru between 2017 and 2025; in order to improve their quality of life, developing their skills, without discrimination and on equal opportunities. This PEA is based on the Regional Social Progress Index Study published and diffused by Centrum; where it summarizes in four indicators the reality of Tolerance and Inclusion: (a) Indicator of violence against women, (b) Indicator of ethnic minority discrimination, (c) Indicator of the immigrants, and (d) Indicator of discrimination against people with a disability, which have been taken to formulate the long-term objectives. For the development of this document, the sequential model of the strategic process has been used, considering a series of sequentially and iteratively tasks; which allows analyzing the external and internal environment, identifying strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats to generate actions and strategies to make a country tolerant, inclusive, free from discrimination and with equal opportunities, and aligned with our vision. Finally, as part of this document, we propose a series of strategies aligned to the long and short term objectives, as well as a monitoring and follow-up plan that will allow to evaluate, in a constant and periodic way, the fulfillment of each one of the objectives; encouraging an inclusive country with equal opportunities for all the inhabitants of the country
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