“McCrispy es para los que se atreven”: desarrollo de campaña publicitaria para el producto "Pollo McCrispy", de la marca McDonald's
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación realizada tuvo como propósito desarrollar una campaña publicitaria para la
marca McDonald 's. El objetivo de la campaña fue promover el consumo masivo de su producto
pollo McCrispy. Para cumplir con el objetivo expuesto, esta investigación se inscribe dentro
de los denominados diseños de investigación de tipo bibliográfico. Asimismo, el estudio se
fundamenta en el método de investigación con enfoque mixto debido a que se aplicaron
encuestas y entrevistas a profundidad. La muestra de las encuestas y entrevistas fue homogénea
y representativa de hombres y mujeres de 18 a 40 años, sin importar su nivel socioeconómico.
Los resultados encontrados y relevantes para la elaboración de la presente investigación fueron
los siguientes: el pollo McCrispy es el menos probado del rubro fast food, la competencia
(KFC) cuenta con la mejor percepción del consumidor peruano y el Perú es un país con altos
índices de desconfianza. A partir de la información recogida en conjunto con la metodología
“La Pepa”para hallar conceptos creativos, se estableció la campaña publicitaria “McCrispy es
para los que se atreven”. Este concepto busca promover la prueba masiva a través de la emoción
obtenida por probar algo nuevo con resultados satisfactorios. Esta campaña tendrá una duración
de 5 meses y requerirá de un presupuesto de 200 mil dólares. Este presupuesto se dividió entre
medios digitales (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok y Spotify), ATL (TV, OOH) y BTL.
En estos medios se ven reflejados los principios de la campaña, lo que dio como resultado una
campaña consistente, capaz de generar conexión con el público objetivo.
The purpose of the research carried out was to develop an advertising campaign for the McDonald's brand with the aim of promoting mass consumption of its McCrispy chicken product. In order to faithfully fulfill the stated objective, this research is part of the so-called bibliographic research designs. Likewise, the study is based on the research method with a mixed approach due to the fact that surveys and in-depth interviews were applied to a representative homogeneous sample of men and women between 18 and 40 years of age, regardless of their socioeconomic level. The results found that were relevant for the elaboration of the present investigation were the following: McCrispy chicken is the least tested of the fast food category, the competition (KFC) has the best perception of the Peruvian consumer and that Peru is a country with high levels of mistrust. Based on the information collected in conjunction with the "La Pepa" methodology to find creative concepts, the advertising campaign "McCrispy is for those who dare" was established. This concept seeks to promote mass testing through the excitement obtained by trying something new and that the result is satisfactory. This campaign will last 5 months with a budget of 200 thousand dollars. This budget was divided into digital media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Spotify), ATL (TV, OOH) and BTL. In these media, the principles of the campaign are reflected, which resulted in a consistent campaign that generates connection with the target audience.
The purpose of the research carried out was to develop an advertising campaign for the McDonald's brand with the aim of promoting mass consumption of its McCrispy chicken product. In order to faithfully fulfill the stated objective, this research is part of the so-called bibliographic research designs. Likewise, the study is based on the research method with a mixed approach due to the fact that surveys and in-depth interviews were applied to a representative homogeneous sample of men and women between 18 and 40 years of age, regardless of their socioeconomic level. The results found that were relevant for the elaboration of the present investigation were the following: McCrispy chicken is the least tested of the fast food category, the competition (KFC) has the best perception of the Peruvian consumer and that Peru is a country with high levels of mistrust. Based on the information collected in conjunction with the "La Pepa" methodology to find creative concepts, the advertising campaign "McCrispy is for those who dare" was established. This concept seeks to promote mass testing through the excitement obtained by trying something new and that the result is satisfactory. This campaign will last 5 months with a budget of 200 thousand dollars. This budget was divided into digital media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Spotify), ATL (TV, OOH) and BTL. In these media, the principles of the campaign are reflected, which resulted in a consistent campaign that generates connection with the target audience.
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