Significación del espacio en ejercicios de memoria y el caso de Villa Grimaldi en Chile: una lectura desde El palacio de la risa de Germán Marín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente trabajo, se problematiza la forma en la que se articulan ejercicios de memoria urbana, posicionando a la literatura dentro de las disputas de la memoria, desde donde se puede visibilizar el pasado no resuelto y reaccionar ante los relatos hegemónicos que se pretendieron instalar en después de la dictadura cívico militar (1973-1990). Para ello, se analiza la obra El palacio de la Risa, texto publicado en 1994 en el que Germán Marín reconstruye la historia de Villa Grimaldi, espacio utilizado por el régimen de Pinochet como un centro de detención, tortura y exterminio bajo el nombre de Cuartel Terranova. Desde las ruinas de un espacio baldío en el presente postdictatorial, va develándose una memoria traumática que la transición política quería olvidar. Al análisis se suma bibliografía teórica y crítica sobre el mismo tema, con el objetivo de reflexionar acerca de cómo la literatura de postdictadura adhiere a estos movimientos político-sociales que disputan ciertos lugares en donde ocurrieron crímenes en dictadura, pero al mismo tiempo logran generar un relato que le entrega significado a estos terrenos en el presente, convirtiéndolos en “espacios de memoria” como la actual Villa Grimaldi, que actúa como símbolo que lucha por lugarizar la memoria.
In the current report the way in wich urban memory excercises are articulated is discussed, posicionating literature into Memory squabbles, where you can see the past with no solution and react to the hegemonic narratives wich were pretending to settle after the civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990). For as much as, the drama ' The palace of the laughter' is analyzed, text published in 1994 where Germán Marin rebuild Villa Grimaldi's story, space used by Pinochet regime as a detention, torture and extermination centre, called Terranova Fortress. From the ruins of a wasteland in a postdictatorial present, a traumatic memory is being unveiled which politician transition wanted to forget. The analysis adds theoretical and critical literature on the same subject, with the objective of reflecting on how the literature of post-dictatorship adheres to these political-social movements that dispute certain places where crimes occurred in dictatorship, but at the same time achieve develop a story which gives meaning to this terrains nowadays, turning them into ‘’ Memory spaces’’ as the actual Villa Grimaldi, that works as a symbol that fights to stablish memory.
In the current report the way in wich urban memory excercises are articulated is discussed, posicionating literature into Memory squabbles, where you can see the past with no solution and react to the hegemonic narratives wich were pretending to settle after the civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990). For as much as, the drama ' The palace of the laughter' is analyzed, text published in 1994 where Germán Marin rebuild Villa Grimaldi's story, space used by Pinochet regime as a detention, torture and extermination centre, called Terranova Fortress. From the ruins of a wasteland in a postdictatorial present, a traumatic memory is being unveiled which politician transition wanted to forget. The analysis adds theoretical and critical literature on the same subject, with the objective of reflecting on how the literature of post-dictatorship adheres to these political-social movements that dispute certain places where crimes occurred in dictatorship, but at the same time achieve develop a story which gives meaning to this terrains nowadays, turning them into ‘’ Memory spaces’’ as the actual Villa Grimaldi, that works as a symbol that fights to stablish memory.
Palabras clave
Memoria, Espacio, Pasado, Postdictadura, Símbolo
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