Una forma de comunicar y aprender en comunidad: análisis de la comunicación participativa y salud en la Visitas Domiciliarias de Cuna Más en Olmos, Lambayeque, 2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación es un estudio de caso de la actividad de Visitas Domiciliarias del Programa
Nacional Cuna Más, una iniciativa social del Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social
(Midis), la cual brinda asesorías gratuitas sobre salud y cuidado infantil a padres de familias de
niños hasta los 3 años. El estudio se desarrolló durante los meses de mayo y agosto del 2023
en los centros poblados menores del distrito de Olmos, Lambayeque, y explora los temas de la
comunicación participativa y la comunicación con enfoque en educación para la salud teniendo
como referente el paradigma de desarrollo humano. El objetivo principal de esta investigación
con enfoque cualitativo es analizar las sesiones de las Visitas Domiciliarias del SAF Cuna Más
en Olmos y su contribución al desarrollo de capacidades en salud de los padres de familia
usuarios del servicio. Las herramientas de investigación utilizadas fueron análisis
documentario, entrevistas en profundidad y guías de observación en la zona descrita. A partir
de ello, se encontró que la actividad posee ciertas herramientas de la comunicación
participativa, como formas de trabajo, interculturalidad, adaptabilidad y promoción de un
cambio social; además, los usuarios valoran, entienden y practican una parte de los mensajes
recibidos, aunque no ejercen un rol primordial en la toma de decisiones de las Visitas
Domiciliarias, porque no gestionan ni co-crean algunas iniciativas o soluciones. Se concluyó
que la actividad no cuenta con un enfoque de comunicación participativa, sino solo con una
perspectiva de comunicación de promoción y comunicación para el desarrollo para influir en
temas de bienestar, a través del cambio de comportamiento y cambio social. Esto quiere decir
que la actividad no se consolida como participación comunal, ya que la junta de cogestión
comunal no participa de los procesos de evaluación, informes de desempeño, revisión de
presupuestos del Midis, entre otros.
This research is a case study of the Home Visit activity of the National Cuna Más Program, a social initiative of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis), which provides a free advisory service on health and child care to parents of families of children up to 3 years old. The study was carried out during the months of May and August 2023 in the rural towns with the lowest population in the district of Olmos, Lambayeque. This research explores the topics of participatory communication and communication with a focus on health education and the human development paradigm as a reference. The main objective of this research with a qualitative approach is to analyze the sessions of the Home Visits of the SAF Cuna Más in Olmos and their contribution to the development of health capabilities of parents who use the service. The research tools used were documentary analysis, in-depth interviews and observation guides in the described area. From this, it was found that the activity has certain tools of participatory communication, such as ways of working, interculturality, adaptability and promotion of social change; Furthermore, users value, understand and practice a part of the messages received, although they do not play a primary role in the decision-making of Home Visits, because they do not manage or co-create some initiatives or solutions. It was concluded that the activity does not have a participatory communication approach, but only with a promotional communication and communication for development perspective to influence well-being issues, through behavioral change and social change. This means that the activity is not consolidated as communal participation, since the communal co-management board does not participate in the evaluation processes, performance reports, Midis budget review, among others.
This research is a case study of the Home Visit activity of the National Cuna Más Program, a social initiative of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis), which provides a free advisory service on health and child care to parents of families of children up to 3 years old. The study was carried out during the months of May and August 2023 in the rural towns with the lowest population in the district of Olmos, Lambayeque. This research explores the topics of participatory communication and communication with a focus on health education and the human development paradigm as a reference. The main objective of this research with a qualitative approach is to analyze the sessions of the Home Visits of the SAF Cuna Más in Olmos and their contribution to the development of health capabilities of parents who use the service. The research tools used were documentary analysis, in-depth interviews and observation guides in the described area. From this, it was found that the activity has certain tools of participatory communication, such as ways of working, interculturality, adaptability and promotion of social change; Furthermore, users value, understand and practice a part of the messages received, although they do not play a primary role in the decision-making of Home Visits, because they do not manage or co-create some initiatives or solutions. It was concluded that the activity does not have a participatory communication approach, but only with a promotional communication and communication for development perspective to influence well-being issues, through behavioral change and social change. This means that the activity is not consolidated as communal participation, since the communal co-management board does not participate in the evaluation processes, performance reports, Midis budget review, among others.
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