El enfoque europeo de Inteligencia Artificial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo de sistemas de inteligencia artificial (IA) plantea enormes expectativas de desarrollo económico y social, permitiendo sensibles mejoras de prestaciones y servicios tanto en el sector público como en el privado. En paralelo, su empleo suscita grandes dilemas éticos y jurídicos. La Unión Europea ha consolidado un enfoque propio en la cuestión, promoviendo un marco regulatorio armonizado en todos los Estados miembros, que promueva la seguridad jurídica y se cimente en los valores europeos, cuidando la preservación de los derechos fundamentales. Esto puede suponer una desventaja competitiva para los desarrollos europeos de IA frente a los de otros lugares del mundo en los que no existan estas limitaciones y cargas regulatorias. Siendo conscientes de ello, las instituciones europeas lo consideran irrenunciable, y aspiran a que logre un efecto emulador en países y empresas terceros. En este trabajo se exponen los rasgos generales de ese enfoque, y se analiza la ambiciosa propuesta regulatoria que se encuentra en proceso de aprobación.
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems raises enormous expectations for economic and social development, enabling significant improvements in benefits and services in both the public and private sectors. At the same time, their use raises major ethical and legal dilemmas. The European Union has consolidated its own approach to the issue, promoting a harmonized regulatory framework in all Member States that promotes legal certainty and is based on European values, while taking care to preserve fundamental rights. This may put European AI developments at a competitive disadvantage compared to those in other parts of the world where such regulatory constraints and burdens do not exist. Aware of this, the European institutions consider it essential, and hope that it will have an emulative effect in third countries and enterprises. This paper presents the general features of this approach and analyzes the ambitious regulatory proposal currently in the process of approval.
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems raises enormous expectations for economic and social development, enabling significant improvements in benefits and services in both the public and private sectors. At the same time, their use raises major ethical and legal dilemmas. The European Union has consolidated its own approach to the issue, promoting a harmonized regulatory framework in all Member States that promotes legal certainty and is based on European values, while taking care to preserve fundamental rights. This may put European AI developments at a competitive disadvantage compared to those in other parts of the world where such regulatory constraints and burdens do not exist. Aware of this, the European institutions consider it essential, and hope that it will have an emulative effect in third countries and enterprises. This paper presents the general features of this approach and analyzes the ambitious regulatory proposal currently in the process of approval.
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