Creación del albergue de atención especializado TBmos para enfrentar el alto nivel de abandono del tratamiento de personas afectadas por tuberculosis multidrogorresistente en la Región Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La Tuberculosis (TB) es una de las enfermedades infecciosas que más muertes
ha ocasionado a nivel mundial y su expansión se debe principalmente a las bajas
coberturas de captación y diagnóstico oportuno de nuevos casos y la pérdida o
abandono del tratamiento. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad proponer
una solución innovadora para el problema público identificado que corresponde al “alto
nivel de abandono al tratamiento de las personas afectadas por tuberculosis
multidrogrorresistente (en adelante TB-MDR) en la región Callao”. Para ello, se
identificaron múltiples causas que ocasionan el alto nivel de abandono al tratamiento
relacionadas a la persona, a los servicios de salud y a la institucionalidad de las
instituciones de salud. Es así que la causa que corresponde al consumo de drogas y
alcohol es la de que tuvo mayor impacto sobre el problema en la matriz de
jerarquización. La identificación y jerarquización de las causas permitió reformular el
problema público y establecer el desafío de innovación que corresponde a: ¿Cómo
podemos mejorar el tratamiento actual que brinda el Ministerio de Salud (en adelante,
MINSA) para las personas con TB-MDR que abandonan el tratamiento por consumo de
drogas y alcohol en la Región Callao? Para ello, se planteó un abanico de ideas de
innovación para luego priorizar la idea que cumpla con los criterios de deseabilidad,
factibilidad, viabilidad, impacto y disrupción. La “Creación del Albergue de Atención
Especializada TBmos” resultó ser una propuesta de innovación que cumple con los
criterios mencionados. Este prototipo de innovación está compuesto por dos elementos:
infraestructura y los procesos de los servicios de salud, que posteriormente fueron
validados por expertos, miembros de las asociaciones de las personas afectadas por
tuberculosis y activistas de quienes se recogieron sugerencias de mejora tanto para la
descripción final del prototipo como para establecer el análisis de deseabilidad,
factibilidad y viabilidad. Finalmente, el prototipo planteado generará un valor agregado
a las intervenciones de salud del MINSA produciendo un impacto positivo en las
personas afectadas al adherirse al tratamiento, reducir la morbilidad y letalidad por esta
causa y suprimir la cadena de contagio en la comunidad.
The Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the infectious diseases that has caused the most deaths worldwide and its expansion is mainly due to the low coverage of uptake and timely diagnosis of new cases and the loss or abandonment of treatment. purpose of this research work is to propose an innovative solution for the identified public problem that corresponds to the “high level of abandonment to treatment of people affected by multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (hereinafter MDR-TB) in the Callao region”. For this, multiple causes were identified that cause the high level of abandonment to treatment related to the person, health services and the institutional framework of health institutions. Thus, the cause that corresponds to the consumption of drugs and alcohol is the one that had the greatest impact on the problem in the ranking matrix. The identification and ranking of the causes allowed to reformulate he public problem and establish the innovation challenge that corresponds to: How can we improve the current treatment provided by the Ministry of Health (hereinafter, MINSA) for people with MDRTB who drop out treatment for drug and alcohol consumption in the Callao region? To do this, a range of innovation ideas was proposed to then prioritize the idea that meets the criteria of desirability, feasibility, viability, impact, and disruption. The “Creation of the TBmos Specialized Attention Shelter” turned out to be an innovation prototype is made up of two elements: infrastructure and health service processes, which were subsequently validated by experts, members of associations of people affected by tuberculosis, and activist from whom suggestions for improvement were collected both for the description end of the prototype as to establish the analysis of desirability, feasibility, and viability. Finally, the proposed prototype will generate added value to MINSA health interventions producing a positive impact on affected people by adhering to treatment, reducing morbidity and lethality from this cause, and suppressing the chain of contagion in the community.
The Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the infectious diseases that has caused the most deaths worldwide and its expansion is mainly due to the low coverage of uptake and timely diagnosis of new cases and the loss or abandonment of treatment. purpose of this research work is to propose an innovative solution for the identified public problem that corresponds to the “high level of abandonment to treatment of people affected by multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (hereinafter MDR-TB) in the Callao region”. For this, multiple causes were identified that cause the high level of abandonment to treatment related to the person, health services and the institutional framework of health institutions. Thus, the cause that corresponds to the consumption of drugs and alcohol is the one that had the greatest impact on the problem in the ranking matrix. The identification and ranking of the causes allowed to reformulate he public problem and establish the innovation challenge that corresponds to: How can we improve the current treatment provided by the Ministry of Health (hereinafter, MINSA) for people with MDRTB who drop out treatment for drug and alcohol consumption in the Callao region? To do this, a range of innovation ideas was proposed to then prioritize the idea that meets the criteria of desirability, feasibility, viability, impact, and disruption. The “Creation of the TBmos Specialized Attention Shelter” turned out to be an innovation prototype is made up of two elements: infrastructure and health service processes, which were subsequently validated by experts, members of associations of people affected by tuberculosis, and activist from whom suggestions for improvement were collected both for the description end of the prototype as to establish the analysis of desirability, feasibility, and viability. Finally, the proposed prototype will generate added value to MINSA health interventions producing a positive impact on affected people by adhering to treatment, reducing morbidity and lethality from this cause, and suppressing the chain of contagion in the community.