Rediseño de la red distribución de Telefónica del Perú S.A.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Telefónica del Perú [TDP] empresa peruana líder en el mercado de telefonía móvil, de
acuerdo a Rojas (2019), ha perdido participación debido a: una estrategia de precios bajos de
sus competidores; a una falta de diferenciación en su oferta y baja satisfacción de sus clientes.
Para revertir esta situación el CEO de TDP ha definido lineamientos estratégicos enfocados
en ser más eficientes y satisfacer al cliente. La Gerencia de Logística como responsable del
reparto tiene como objetivo ser más eficiente en su proceso y ha encargado una consultoría
enfocada en optimizar la efectividad de entrega del delivery del canal de venta online [ecommerce
y call center] en la región de Lima y Callao. En el 2018 hasta febrero 2019, la
efectividad acumulada fue de 85%, el 15% restante representó ventas caídas, es decir TDP
dejó de facturar S/ 41.5 millones anuales.
En base al análisis de la información brindada por TDP se observó que el 80% de los
casos se atribuyen al cliente y no al proceso; sin embargo, las entrevistas telefónicas
realizadas mostraron resultados diferentes, el 85% de casos es imputable al proceso. Las
principales causas raíces identificadas fueron: (a) falta de capacidad para atender pedidos
express, (b) falta de alternativas de entrega a cliente, y (c) tiempo de entrega muy alto. A
partir de ello se plantearon soluciones por cada tipo de producto. Primero, para Combo
(equipo + SIM Card) se plantea rediseñar la red de distribución con la implementación de
almacenes; y el segundo SIM Card (chip) ofrecer al cliente en realizar el recojo de su pedido
en tienda de conveniencia. TDP accedió implementar el piloto del Combo, los resultados
fueron exitosos, la efectividad de entrega por zona escogida paso de 88% a 96%, reduciendo
sus caídas de ventas en 77%; y con respecto al SIM Card, TDP desea implementar la nueva
alternativa. Se estima que recuperen el 78% de ventas caídas que representará S/ 9.5 millones
y logrando un ingreso adicional por ventas antes no coberturada por S/ 2 millones anuales y,
como consecuencia, disminuir sus gastos logísticos causando un ahorro de 76.2%.
Telefónica del Perú [TDP], a leading Peruvian mobile phone market company, according to Rojas (2019), has lost participation due to a: low price strategy of its competitors; to a low price strategy of its competitors; to a lack of differentiation in its offer and low satisfaction of its customers. To reverse this situation, TDP’s CEO has defined strategic guidelines focused on being more efficient and satisfying the customer. The Logistics Management as responsible for the distribution aims to be more efficient in its process and has commissioned a consultancy focused on the accuracy of delivery of the online sales channel [electronic commerce and call center] in Lima and Callao. During 2018 until February 2019, the cumulative effectiveness was 85%, the remaining 15% represented fallen sales, that is, TDP stopped billing S/ 41.5 million per year. Based on the analysis of the information provided by TDP, it was noted that 80% of the cases are attributed to the client and not to the process; however, telephone interviews conducted showed different results, as 85% of cases are attributable to the process. The main causes identified were: (a) lack of capacity to meet express orders, (b) lack of customer delivery alternatives, and (c) long delivery time. Based on this, solutions were proposed for each type of product. Based on this, solutions were proposed for each type of product. First, for Combo (team + SIM Card), it is proposed to redesign the distribution network with the implementation of warehouses; and the second, for SIM Card (chip), to offer the customer the alternative of picking up the order in the convenience store. TDP agreed to implement the Combo pilot and the results were successful. The effectiveness of delivery by selected area went from 88% to 96%, reducing its sales drops by 77%; and with respect to the SIM Card, TDP wants to implement the new alternative. It is estimated that the recovery will be of 78% of fallen sales that will represent S/ 9.5 million, with an additional income from sales, previously not covered by S/ 2 million annually and, as a result, decrease their logistics expenses causing a saving of 76.2%.
Telefónica del Perú [TDP], a leading Peruvian mobile phone market company, according to Rojas (2019), has lost participation due to a: low price strategy of its competitors; to a low price strategy of its competitors; to a lack of differentiation in its offer and low satisfaction of its customers. To reverse this situation, TDP’s CEO has defined strategic guidelines focused on being more efficient and satisfying the customer. The Logistics Management as responsible for the distribution aims to be more efficient in its process and has commissioned a consultancy focused on the accuracy of delivery of the online sales channel [electronic commerce and call center] in Lima and Callao. During 2018 until February 2019, the cumulative effectiveness was 85%, the remaining 15% represented fallen sales, that is, TDP stopped billing S/ 41.5 million per year. Based on the analysis of the information provided by TDP, it was noted that 80% of the cases are attributed to the client and not to the process; however, telephone interviews conducted showed different results, as 85% of cases are attributable to the process. The main causes identified were: (a) lack of capacity to meet express orders, (b) lack of customer delivery alternatives, and (c) long delivery time. Based on this, solutions were proposed for each type of product. Based on this, solutions were proposed for each type of product. First, for Combo (team + SIM Card), it is proposed to redesign the distribution network with the implementation of warehouses; and the second, for SIM Card (chip), to offer the customer the alternative of picking up the order in the convenience store. TDP agreed to implement the Combo pilot and the results were successful. The effectiveness of delivery by selected area went from 88% to 96%, reducing its sales drops by 77%; and with respect to the SIM Card, TDP wants to implement the new alternative. It is estimated that the recovery will be of 78% of fallen sales that will represent S/ 9.5 million, with an additional income from sales, previously not covered by S/ 2 million annually and, as a result, decrease their logistics expenses causing a saving of 76.2%.