Relaciones de apego romántico, dependencia emocional y celos en adultos jóvenes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar la relación entre el apego
romántico con la dependencia emocional y los celos en estudiantes universitarios. La muestra
estuvo formada de 160 jóvenes, varones y mujeres entre 18 y 25 años de edad (M=21.99,
DE=2.30) y que estudien en una universidad de Lima. Se aplicó la Escala Revisada de
Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas (ECR-R), la Escala de Dependencia Emocional y la
Escala de Actitudes Celosas-MAP. Se encontró que la ansiedad del apego romántico se
relaciona positiva y significativamente con todas las dimensiones de dependencia emocional,
mientras que la de evitación se asocia con las dimensiones de ansiedad de separación y miedo
a la soledad. Además, se encontró que la ansiedad en apego se relaciona directa y
significativamente con el control, inseguridad, hostilidad, afectividad negativa, conflicto y
desconfianza de celos. La evitación directa se relaciona positivamente con control, hostilidad,
desconfianza, conflicto, inseguridad y afectividad negativa de los celos y la evitación inversa
se relaciona de manera negativa con desconfianza, control, afectividad negativa y hostilidad de
los celos. Finalmente, las mujeres presentan niveles más altos de miedo a la soledad que los
hombres y puntuaciones más altas de control y conflicto en comparación a los hombres.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between romantic attachment and both, emotional dependence and jealousy of university students. The sample was composed of 160 young adults, men and women, between 18 and 25 years old (M=21.99, SD=2.30), from Lima. The Experiences in Close Relationships - Revised Scale (ECR-R), the Emotional Dependency Scale and the MAP - Jealous Attitudes Scale were used to measure the constructs. The results show significant associations between anxiety in romantic attachment and emotional dependence whereas avoidance dimension was significantly related to separation anxiety and fear of loneliness. Furthermore, anxiety was related to control, insecurity, hostility, negative emotion, conflict, and mistrust. Avoidance showed a significant association with control, hostility, mistrust, conflict, insecurity, and negative emotion. The inverse avoidance dimension was negatively related with mistrust, control, negative emotion and hostility dimensions. Finally, women had higher levels of fear of loneliness than men did, as well as higher scores of control and conflict compared to men.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between romantic attachment and both, emotional dependence and jealousy of university students. The sample was composed of 160 young adults, men and women, between 18 and 25 years old (M=21.99, SD=2.30), from Lima. The Experiences in Close Relationships - Revised Scale (ECR-R), the Emotional Dependency Scale and the MAP - Jealous Attitudes Scale were used to measure the constructs. The results show significant associations between anxiety in romantic attachment and emotional dependence whereas avoidance dimension was significantly related to separation anxiety and fear of loneliness. Furthermore, anxiety was related to control, insecurity, hostility, negative emotion, conflict, and mistrust. Avoidance showed a significant association with control, hostility, mistrust, conflict, insecurity, and negative emotion. The inverse avoidance dimension was negatively related with mistrust, control, negative emotion and hostility dimensions. Finally, women had higher levels of fear of loneliness than men did, as well as higher scores of control and conflict compared to men.
Palabras clave
Apego, Relaciones de pareja, Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones, Celos
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