Diseño de plataforma web para promover la participación ciudadana para el fortalecimiento de la cultura política peruana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La cultura política peruana tiene como punto de partida la inconsistencia de los partidos
políticos; en este sentido, la democracia peruana es considerada como una democracia
sin partidos, no existe un sistema de partidos que actúe propiamente y cumpla con
funciones formales establecidas. Así mismo, entre los problemas asociados a la crisis de
los partidos, se encuentra el individualismo, la opinión pública empieza a identificarse
con líderes pragmáticos y organizaciones independientes; razón por la cual, los partidos
no se muestran como representativos para la población, al no poseer una relación con
los ciudadanos, no hay manera que cumplan funciones tradicionales que se ejecutan en
democracias consolidadas.
En adición a ello, la cultura política también comprende el problema de la escasa
participación política ciudadana; las nuevas generaciones no están interesadas en
canalizar su activismo a través de organismos institucionalizados como partidos
políticos y prefieren estar envueltas en nuevos modelos de ejercer política.
En este panorama, se plantea un proyecto de diseño enfocado en la elaboración de una
plataforma web que ayude a los ciudadanos a informarse, dialogar, debatir, y proponer
ideas constructivas de manera respetuosa y argumentada. Para lograrlo, se propone una
web elaborada en base a los fundamentos UI /UX; donde se incorporan metodologías de
aprendizaje digital teniendo en cuenta sus prestaciones en el contexto actual.
Peruvian political culture has as its starting point the inconsistency of political parties; In this sense, Peruvian democracy is considered a democracy without parties; no party system acts properly and fulfills established formal functions. Likewise, among the problems associated with the crisis of the parties is individualism, public opinion begins to identify with pragmatic leaders and independent organizations; for this reason, the parties do not appear to be representative of the population; since they do not have a relationship with the citizens, there is no way for them to fulfill traditional functions that are carried out in consolidated democracies. In addition, political culture also includes the problem of low citizen political participation; The new generations are not interested in channeling their activism through institutionalized organizations such as political parties and prefer to be involved in new models of exercising politics. In this panorama, a proposed design project focused on developing a web platform that helps citizens to inform themselves, dialogue, debate, and propose constructive ideas respectfully and reasoned. To achieve this, a website developed based on UI/UX fundamentals is proposed; where digital learning methodologies are incorporated taking into account their benefits in the current context.
Peruvian political culture has as its starting point the inconsistency of political parties; In this sense, Peruvian democracy is considered a democracy without parties; no party system acts properly and fulfills established formal functions. Likewise, among the problems associated with the crisis of the parties is individualism, public opinion begins to identify with pragmatic leaders and independent organizations; for this reason, the parties do not appear to be representative of the population; since they do not have a relationship with the citizens, there is no way for them to fulfill traditional functions that are carried out in consolidated democracies. In addition, political culture also includes the problem of low citizen political participation; The new generations are not interested in channeling their activism through institutionalized organizations such as political parties and prefer to be involved in new models of exercising politics. In this panorama, a proposed design project focused on developing a web platform that helps citizens to inform themselves, dialogue, debate, and propose constructive ideas respectfully and reasoned. To achieve this, a website developed based on UI/UX fundamentals is proposed; where digital learning methodologies are incorporated taking into account their benefits in the current context.
Palabras clave
Sitios Web--Diseño, Sociedad civil--Participación política--Perú, Cultura política--Perú, Diseño gráfico