Business consulting report de Impemar Group
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación es un Business Consulting aplicado a la empresa
IMPEMAR GROUP de Comas Lima, empresa que brinda servicios de distribución a Arca
Continental S.A. la representante de Coca Cola Company en Perú. Dicha empresa solicitó la
consultoría ya que los dueños no están del todo conformes con los resultados financieros de
los tres últimos años. En el desarrollo de la investigación se identificó que, la empresa tenía
toda la mercadería y los costos operativos solventados por Arca Continental obteniendo en
retribución por ello, las bonificaciones por la cobranza y el reparto a tiempo dentro de los
indicadores establecidos por Arca Continental. Por ende, el objetivo era poder encontrar las
causas o problemáticas que inducían a la pérdida, se determinaron que las causas de esta
problemática estaba en eliminar los errores que inducían a la pérdida de las bonificaciones de
la empresa, en consecuencia mediante un análisis costo impacto se determinó la alternativa de
solución de menor costo y mayor impacto para la empresa, fruto de este análisis se determinó
una inversión en mejoras que generan un VAN de S/ 41,602,854.73 soles y el TIR 48.15%
en función a una serie de proyectos para reducir los excesivos gastos en alquileres y las
pérdidas en bonificaciones, por un total de S/87,722,912 Soles, lo que permite respaldar la
propuesta de solución al problema mencionado.
This research work is a Business Consulting applied to the company IMPEMAR GROUP of Comas Lima, a company that provides distribution services to Arca Continental S.A. the representative of Coca Cola Company in Peru. This company requested the consultancy since the owners are not entirely satisfied with the financial results of the last three years. In the development of the investigation, it was identified that the company had all the merchandise and operating costs paid by Arca Continental, obtaining in compensation for it, the bonuses for collection and distribution on time within the indicators established by Arca Continental. Therefore, the objective was to be able to find the causes or problems that led to the loss, it was determined that the causes of this problem was to eliminate the errors that led to the loss of the company's bonuses, consequently through a cost-impact analysis. The alternative solution with the lowest cost and the greatest impact for the company was determined. As a result of this analysis, an investment was determined in improvements that generate a NPV of S/ 41,602,854.73 soles and an IRR of 48.15% based on a series of projects to reduce costs. excessive expenses in rentals and losses in bonuses, for a total of S/87,722,912 Soles, which allows supporting the proposed solution to the aforementioned problem.
This research work is a Business Consulting applied to the company IMPEMAR GROUP of Comas Lima, a company that provides distribution services to Arca Continental S.A. the representative of Coca Cola Company in Peru. This company requested the consultancy since the owners are not entirely satisfied with the financial results of the last three years. In the development of the investigation, it was identified that the company had all the merchandise and operating costs paid by Arca Continental, obtaining in compensation for it, the bonuses for collection and distribution on time within the indicators established by Arca Continental. Therefore, the objective was to be able to find the causes or problems that led to the loss, it was determined that the causes of this problem was to eliminate the errors that led to the loss of the company's bonuses, consequently through a cost-impact analysis. The alternative solution with the lowest cost and the greatest impact for the company was determined. As a result of this analysis, an investment was determined in improvements that generate a NPV of S/ 41,602,854.73 soles and an IRR of 48.15% based on a series of projects to reduce costs. excessive expenses in rentals and losses in bonuses, for a total of S/87,722,912 Soles, which allows supporting the proposed solution to the aforementioned problem.
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