Creencias y concepciones docentes sobre la doble excepcionalidad en docentes de Educación Básica Regular de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La doble excepcionalidad (2e) es una condición dual y contradictoria, en la que se presenta
una Alta Capacidad y una dificultad coexistente en una o más áreas del desarrollo. En el
sistema educativo, los estudiantes con 2e pueden ser asociados a creencias y concepciones
erróneas debido a las discrepancias en su rendimiento académico, habilidades cognitivas y
socioemocionales, siendo estos aspectos que pueden limitar su identificación y atención.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las creencias y concepciones docentes sobre
la 2e desde un enfoque cualitativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 8 docentes de
Educación Básica Regular con experiencia previa en necesidades especiales asociadas a la
Alta Capacidad, TDAH o TEA. Los instrumentos fueron una ficha de datos
sociodemográficos, dos viñetas que representaban a estudiantes con AC-TEA y AC-TDAH,
y una guía de entrevista semiestructurada. A través del software Atlas. Ti, se realizó un análisis
cualitativo de contenido temático, siguiendo los pasos de la fenomenología hermenéutica. Los
resultados evidencian cómo la formación inicial, las experiencias personales y profesionales,
así como los factores contextuales que caracterizan a las instituciones educativas pueden
influenciar en las creencias y concepciones de los docentes sobre los estudiantes con 2e. Otras
temáticas abordan los recursos personales y profesionales de los docentes en los procesos de
identificación y atención a las diversas necesidades educativas. Estos hallazgos aportarán a la
visibilización de esta temática y al desarrollo de líneas de intervención dirigidas a los agentes
educativos en el contexto latinoamericano.
Twice-exceptionality (2e) is a dual and contradictory condition, in which Giftedness and difficulties in one or more areas of development coexist. In the educational system, students with 2e can be associated with misconceptions and erroneous beliefs due to discrepancies in their academic performance, cognitive and socio-emotional abilities, which can affect their identification and intervention. The present study aims to explore the beliefs and conceptions of teachers about 2e from a qualitative approach. The sample was comprised of 8 teachers of Regular Basic Education with previous experience in special needs associated with Giftedness, ADHD or ASD. The instruments were a sociodemographic data sheet, two vignettes representing students with Giftedness/ASD and Giftedness/ADHD and a semistructured interview guide. A qualitative analysis of thematic content was carried out through the software Atlas.ti, following the steps of hermeneutical phenomenology. The results show how initial training, personal and professional experiences, as well as the contextual factors that characterize educational institutions can influence the beliefs and conceptions of teachers about students with 2e. Other topics address the personal and professional resources of teachers in the processes of identification and attention to the various educational needs. These findings will contribute to the visibility of this issue and the development of lines of intervention aimed at educational agents in the Latin American context.
Twice-exceptionality (2e) is a dual and contradictory condition, in which Giftedness and difficulties in one or more areas of development coexist. In the educational system, students with 2e can be associated with misconceptions and erroneous beliefs due to discrepancies in their academic performance, cognitive and socio-emotional abilities, which can affect their identification and intervention. The present study aims to explore the beliefs and conceptions of teachers about 2e from a qualitative approach. The sample was comprised of 8 teachers of Regular Basic Education with previous experience in special needs associated with Giftedness, ADHD or ASD. The instruments were a sociodemographic data sheet, two vignettes representing students with Giftedness/ASD and Giftedness/ADHD and a semistructured interview guide. A qualitative analysis of thematic content was carried out through the software Atlas.ti, following the steps of hermeneutical phenomenology. The results show how initial training, personal and professional experiences, as well as the contextual factors that characterize educational institutions can influence the beliefs and conceptions of teachers about students with 2e. Other topics address the personal and professional resources of teachers in the processes of identification and attention to the various educational needs. These findings will contribute to the visibility of this issue and the development of lines of intervention aimed at educational agents in the Latin American context.
Palabras clave
Personal docente--Actitudes, Autismo infantil, Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, Educación inclusiva--Perú
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