Planeamiento estratégico aplicado a Reliant Mining and Construction en Zambia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento desarrolla el Plan Estratégico Aplicado para Reliant Mining
and Construction País Zambia, esta es una empresa dedicada a brindar servicios mineros
subterráneos con más de 18 años de experiencia en sector industrial minero subterráneo en
Zambia, Congo e India. En el país de Zambia, Reliant opera desde el año 2002 consiguiendo
significantes logros operativos en términos de expansión de operaciones.
Actualmente se enfrenta a una necesidad de expansión, pero debido a la competencia
de empresas que consideradas compañías Top Worl Class en el mercado minero de Zambia,
la expansión de operaciones se hace difícil. Por lo tanto, es necesario realizar exhaustivos
análisis bajo una metodología para lograr direccionar la empresa al crecimiento planteado.
El planeamiento estratégico bajo una visión al 2028 de la empresa Reliant Mining and
Construcción en Zambia se convierte en una necesidad en la búsqueda de conseguir una
mejor rentabilidad que se incremente por los próximos ocho años sostenidamente, brindando
los mejores servicios al cliente en términos de excelencia en seguridad, calidad y
productividad. Para ello es vital plantear objetivos claros y realizar análisis externos e
internos de la empresa, para desarrollar OLP y OCP (objetivos a largo plazo y objetivos a
corto plazo) que permita orientar a la empresa conseguir un futuro deseado.
En este plan estratégico se establecen seis objetivos a largo plazo basados en la visión
de la empresa, con intereses organizacionales en rentabilidad, producción, productividad,
estándares internaciones, seguridad y satisfacción de nuestro personal, así mismo estos OLP
están soportados por veinticinco objetivos a corto plazo, alineados a la perspectivas de
control propuestas en el tablero de control organizacional de las perspectivas de aprendizaje
interno (7 OCPs), procesos (6 OCPs), clientes (5 OCPs) y que concluyen en mejores
resultados financieros (7 OCPs) para la empresa.
This document develops the strategic plan applied to Reliant Mining and Construction at Zambia, it is a company dedicated to providing underground mining services with more than 18 years of experience in the underground mining industry in Zambia, Congo and India. At Zambia, Reliant has been operating since 2002, achieving significant operational achievements in terms of expanding operations. It is currently facing a need for expansion, but due to competition from companies that consider Top World Class companies in the Zambian mining market, the expansion of operations becomes more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out exhaustive analysis under a methodology to achieve directing the company to the proposed growth. Strategic planning under a 2028 vision by Reliant Mining and Construction Zambia becomes a necessity in the quest for better profitability that increases for the next eight years sustainably, providing the better customer services in terms of safety, quality and productivity excellence. To do this it is necessary to set clear objectives and carry out external and internal analyses of the company, to develop OLP and OCP (long-term objectives and short-term objectives) that will direct the company to achieve its desired future. In this strategic plan six long-term objectives are established based on the vision of the company, with organizational interests in profitability, production, productivity, international standards, safety and satisfaction of our staff, likewise these OLPs are supported by twenty-five short objectives term, aligned to the control perspectives proposed in the organizational control board of the internal learning perspectives (7 OCPs), processes (6 OCPs), customers (5 OCPs) and that conclude in better financial results (7 OCPs) for the company.
This document develops the strategic plan applied to Reliant Mining and Construction at Zambia, it is a company dedicated to providing underground mining services with more than 18 years of experience in the underground mining industry in Zambia, Congo and India. At Zambia, Reliant has been operating since 2002, achieving significant operational achievements in terms of expanding operations. It is currently facing a need for expansion, but due to competition from companies that consider Top World Class companies in the Zambian mining market, the expansion of operations becomes more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out exhaustive analysis under a methodology to achieve directing the company to the proposed growth. Strategic planning under a 2028 vision by Reliant Mining and Construction Zambia becomes a necessity in the quest for better profitability that increases for the next eight years sustainably, providing the better customer services in terms of safety, quality and productivity excellence. To do this it is necessary to set clear objectives and carry out external and internal analyses of the company, to develop OLP and OCP (long-term objectives and short-term objectives) that will direct the company to achieve its desired future. In this strategic plan six long-term objectives are established based on the vision of the company, with organizational interests in profitability, production, productivity, international standards, safety and satisfaction of our staff, likewise these OLPs are supported by twenty-five short objectives term, aligned to the control perspectives proposed in the organizational control board of the internal learning perspectives (7 OCPs), processes (6 OCPs), customers (5 OCPs) and that conclude in better financial results (7 OCPs) for the company.
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