Business consulting para la empresa Chacón Contratistas Generales S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Chacón Contratistas Generales S.A. es una empresa de capital peruano, fundada en
1999, dedicada a brindar servicios de construcción, mantenimiento y transporte en
actividades conexas para minería. Adicionalmente, realiza proyectos de saneamiento, riego,
edificaciones, obras viales, defensa ribereña, electromecánicas, alquiler de maquinaria,
habilitaciones urbanas y explanaciones, tanto para clientes privados como públicos.
Para identificar la problemática de la organización se realizó un diagnóstico de línea
base mediante entrevistas a la línea de mando gerencial; adicionalmente, se realizó un análisis
del sector económico y el contexto externo e interno. Como resultado, se identificó como
principal problema a la reducción del margen operativo ocasionado principalmente por una
deficiente gestión por procesos, proceso de control de calidad no estándar ni documentado,
ausencia de indicadores clave para todos los procesos y planificación inadecuada de inicio de
proyectos. Con la finalidad de remediar la problemática se priorizaron dos soluciones: (1)
Implementación de gestión por procesos y certificación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad y
(2) La implementación de una plataforma de gestión por procesos.
La viabilidad del proyecto se evaluó a través de un análisis de sensibilidad financiero
considerando dos escenarios: Optimista y Pesimista. Los indicadores financieros del análisis
Escenario Optimista se obtiene una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de: 468.90%, valor actual
neto (VAN) de: S/4´465,256.70 con un período de recuperación de la inversión (PAYBACK)
a partir del cuarto mes. En el Escenario Pesimista se obtiene una tasa interna de retorno (TIR)
de: 383.23%, valor actual neto (VAN) de: S/1´649,480.43 con un período de recuperación de
la inversión (PAYBACK) a partir del quinto mes.
Chacón Contratistas Generales S.A. is a Peruvian-owned company, founded in 1999, dedicated to providing construction, maintenance, and transportation services in related activities for mining. In addition, it carries out sanitation, irrigation, construction, road, river defense, electromechanical, machinery rental, urban habilitation, and grading projects for both private and public clients. To identify the organization's problems, a baseline diagnosis was carried out through interviews with managers; additionally, an analysis of the industrial sector, the external and internal context was performed. As a result, the main problem identified was the reduction of the operating margin caused mainly by deficient process management, a non-standard and non-documented quality control process, the absence of key indicators for all processes and inadequate project start-up planning. To remedy the problem, two solutions were prioritized: (1) Implementation of process management and certification of the Quality Management System and (2) Implementation of a business process management suite. The feasibility of the project was evaluated through a financial sensitivity analysis considering two scenarios: Optimistic and Pessimistic. The financial indicators of the Optimistic Scenario analysis obtained an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 468.90%, net present value (NPV) of: S/4´465,256.70 with a Payback Period starting in the fourth month. In the Pessimistic Scenario an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 383.23%, Net Present Value (NPV) of S/1´649,480.43 with an investment recovery period (PAYBACK) starting in the fifth month.
Chacón Contratistas Generales S.A. is a Peruvian-owned company, founded in 1999, dedicated to providing construction, maintenance, and transportation services in related activities for mining. In addition, it carries out sanitation, irrigation, construction, road, river defense, electromechanical, machinery rental, urban habilitation, and grading projects for both private and public clients. To identify the organization's problems, a baseline diagnosis was carried out through interviews with managers; additionally, an analysis of the industrial sector, the external and internal context was performed. As a result, the main problem identified was the reduction of the operating margin caused mainly by deficient process management, a non-standard and non-documented quality control process, the absence of key indicators for all processes and inadequate project start-up planning. To remedy the problem, two solutions were prioritized: (1) Implementation of process management and certification of the Quality Management System and (2) Implementation of a business process management suite. The feasibility of the project was evaluated through a financial sensitivity analysis considering two scenarios: Optimistic and Pessimistic. The financial indicators of the Optimistic Scenario analysis obtained an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 468.90%, net present value (NPV) of: S/4´465,256.70 with a Payback Period starting in the fourth month. In the Pessimistic Scenario an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 383.23%, Net Present Value (NPV) of S/1´649,480.43 with an investment recovery period (PAYBACK) starting in the fifth month.