Nueva métrica para mejorar la medición del desempeño de la reducción de la producción y comercio ilícito de cocaína en la Política Nacional Contra las Drogas al 2030
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas (DEVIDA) es
responsable de conducir la Política Nacional Contra las Drogas al 2030 (PNCD al 2030).
Por ello ha contemplado varios Objetivos Prioritarios (OP), entre ellas, el OP nro dos
“reducir la producción y comercio ilícito de cocaína” con sus respectivos indicadores; sin
embargo, se ha identificado variables que no integran la medición y por tanto limitan el
desempeño de las instituciones comprometidas con este OP.
En la presente investigación se analizó la estructura del problema, identificando
diferentes causas que la originan, entre ellas la insuficiencia de variables para construir
el indicador. Para explorar un prototipo de innovación se recurrió a la experiencia del
cambio de indicadores del Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) del Sector Interior del año
2020, entrevistas a expertos y revisión de bibliografía; logrando determinar como
prototipo la construcción una nueva métrica para medir el desempeño, cuyo soporte
esun mayor onocimiento de la dinamica de la oferta de cocaína, identificación de nuevas
variables y aplicación de los factores de conversión de la hoja de coca y derivados a
Con el proceso de conceptualización, maduración y testeo del prototipo, se ha logrado
identificar e incluir nuevas variables, mejorar la metodologia y la formula para obtener la
nueva métrica consistente en determinar el porcentaje de afectación a la proudcción y
comercio ilícito de cocaínna; así como diseñar el flujograma del proceso, la
sistematización y presentación grafica de los datos recogidos mediante el programa
Power BI. Los resultados demostraron un incremento del desempeño con la nueva
Para concluir con el prototipo de innovación de esta investigación, se demostró que
cumple con los criterios de deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad por parte de los usuarios
y la comunidad nacional e internacional afectada por el tráfico ilícito de drogas
cocaínicas (TID-C).
The National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) is responsible for conducting the National Anti-Drug Policy to 2030 (PNCD to 2030). For this reason, it has contemplated several Priority Objectives (OP), among them, the OP number two “reduce the production and illicit trade of cocaine” with their respective indicators; however, variables have been identified that do not make up the measurement and therefore limit the performance of the institutions committed to this OP. In the present investigation, the structure of the problem was analyzed, identifying different causes that originate it, including the insufficiency of variables to build the indicator. To explore a prototype of innovation, the experience of the change of indicators of the Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI) of the Interior Sector for the year 2020, interviews with experts and review of the bibliography; managing to determine as a prototype the construction of a new metric to measure performance, whose support is a greater knowledge of the dynamics of the cocaine deal, identification of new variables and application of the conversion factors of the coca leaf and derivatives to cocaine With the process of conceptualization, maturation and testing of the prototype, it has been possible to identify and include new variables, improve the methodology and the formula to obtain the new metric consisting of determining the percentage of affectation to the production and illicit trade of cocaine; as well as design the flow chart of the process, the systematization and graphic presentation of the data collected through the Power BI program. The results showed an increase in performance with the new metric. To conclude with the innovation prototype of this research, it was shown that it meets the criteria of desirability, feasibility and viability by the users and the national and international community affected by the illicit trafficking of cocaine drugs (TID-C).
The National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) is responsible for conducting the National Anti-Drug Policy to 2030 (PNCD to 2030). For this reason, it has contemplated several Priority Objectives (OP), among them, the OP number two “reduce the production and illicit trade of cocaine” with their respective indicators; however, variables have been identified that do not make up the measurement and therefore limit the performance of the institutions committed to this OP. In the present investigation, the structure of the problem was analyzed, identifying different causes that originate it, including the insufficiency of variables to build the indicator. To explore a prototype of innovation, the experience of the change of indicators of the Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI) of the Interior Sector for the year 2020, interviews with experts and review of the bibliography; managing to determine as a prototype the construction of a new metric to measure performance, whose support is a greater knowledge of the dynamics of the cocaine deal, identification of new variables and application of the conversion factors of the coca leaf and derivatives to cocaine With the process of conceptualization, maturation and testing of the prototype, it has been possible to identify and include new variables, improve the methodology and the formula to obtain the new metric consisting of determining the percentage of affectation to the production and illicit trade of cocaine; as well as design the flow chart of the process, the systematization and graphic presentation of the data collected through the Power BI program. The results showed an increase in performance with the new metric. To conclude with the innovation prototype of this research, it was shown that it meets the criteria of desirability, feasibility and viability by the users and the national and international community affected by the illicit trafficking of cocaine drugs (TID-C).
Palabras clave
DEVIDA (Organismo : Perú), Narcotráfico--Prevención--Perú, Planificación estratégica--Perú, Indicadores sociales--Perú
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