Planeamiento estratégico de la agroexportación de frutas y hortalizas frescas en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo desarrollar un
Planeamiento Estratégico del Sector Agroexportador de Frutas y Hortalizas Frescas en el
Perú, considerando el alto potencial que tiene para transformarse en una de las principales
fuentes exportadoras de este rubro en el ámbito mundial. Favorece al desarrollo de este
Planeamiento, la valiosa ventaja de la diversidad de climas existentes en las diferentes zonas
geográficas del País, y además su estratégica ubicación geográfica, considerando también, la
ayuda comercial que otorgan los tratados de libre comercio y el buen posicionamiento de la
Marca Perú que se está logrando internacionalmente.
Para el desarrollo de este Planeamiento, se analizaron factores internos y externos del
Sector que permitieron identificar las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades, y amenazas que
llevaron a generar un conjunto de estrategias para alcanzar la Visión propuesta. Se
formularon objetivos a largo plazo orientados a lograr crecimiento económico, en paralelo
con el apoyo de la innovación tecnológica, que permitirán que el Sector se desarrolle en un
entorno sostenible. Considerando que el Perú ha estado creciendo a tasas por encima del
20% en valores free on board [libre a bordo] (FOB, por sus siglas en inglés), se espera que
con una adecuada política de fomento a la agroexportación, el País se unique entre los
principales países exportadores del mundo.
Si se considera el desarrollo del Sector y la posibilidad de crecer sostenidamente en
productos no tradicionales, tales como, los orgánicos, arándanos, cebollas, y otros productos
que incrementen el valor de exportación, las condiciones socioeconómicas de todos los
integrantes de la cadena de valor mejorarán a futuro.
The main objective of this research is to develop a Strategic Plan for the Peruvian agricultural fresh fruit and vegetables exporting Sector, given the enormous potential it possesses to become one of the world’s main exporters of such products. The development of this Plan benefits from the enormous advantage bestowed upon this activity by the range of geographic zones that exist within Peru, as well as the country’s strategic geographic location. Also of importance is the considerable commercial support provided by the free trade agreements Peru has signed, and the success of Marca Perú [“Brand Peru”], which has achieved worldwide recognition. In this research work we analyzed internal and external factors, and this enabled us to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that led to our establishing a series of strategies designed to achieve the proposed Vision. The long term objectives formulated were designed to achieve economic growth, hand-in-hand with the technological innovation that will allow us to develop sustainably. Considering the fact that Peru has been experiencing FOB growth in excess of 20%, we believe that with an appropriate policy for the promotion of agricultural exports Peru could become one of the world’s leading exporting countries. As part of the project, we considered the development of this sector and the possibilities for sustainable growth in non-traditional products, such as organic produce, blueberries, onions and other crops with the potential to contribute to increased exports, that will help improve the socioeconomic conditions of all those who form part of the value chain.
The main objective of this research is to develop a Strategic Plan for the Peruvian agricultural fresh fruit and vegetables exporting Sector, given the enormous potential it possesses to become one of the world’s main exporters of such products. The development of this Plan benefits from the enormous advantage bestowed upon this activity by the range of geographic zones that exist within Peru, as well as the country’s strategic geographic location. Also of importance is the considerable commercial support provided by the free trade agreements Peru has signed, and the success of Marca Perú [“Brand Peru”], which has achieved worldwide recognition. In this research work we analyzed internal and external factors, and this enabled us to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that led to our establishing a series of strategies designed to achieve the proposed Vision. The long term objectives formulated were designed to achieve economic growth, hand-in-hand with the technological innovation that will allow us to develop sustainably. Considering the fact that Peru has been experiencing FOB growth in excess of 20%, we believe that with an appropriate policy for the promotion of agricultural exports Peru could become one of the world’s leading exporting countries. As part of the project, we considered the development of this sector and the possibilities for sustainable growth in non-traditional products, such as organic produce, blueberries, onions and other crops with the potential to contribute to increased exports, that will help improve the socioeconomic conditions of all those who form part of the value chain.
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