Plan estratégico para el Distrito de Cieneguilla
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo se ha centrado en la elaboración del plan estratégico para el distrito
de Cieneguilla que tiene como objetivo preparar al distrito para lograr su visión al año 2025.
Cieneguilla, distrito ubicado a la entrada de la cuenca del río Lurín y que pertenece a la
provincia de Lima, es un distrito joven cuya población en su mayoría tiene menos de 25 años
por lo cual su fuerza de trabajo joven es importante y se convierte en palanca de su desarrollo
socio económico, destaca por sus recursos naturales y patrimonios culturales que forman
parte de su atractivo turístico, siendo precisamente el turismo una de sus principales fuentes
de ingreso junto con la agricultura y actividades industriales como la construcción.
En los últimos años, Cieneguilla presenta mejoras en aspectos de seguridad ciudadana
y organización del gobierno distrital pero éstos aun necesitan se potenciados, así como
reforzar aspectos que representan debilidad en el distrito como gestión de la salud,
tecnología, educación y gestión ambiental.
Cieneguilla, si bien cuenta con distintos factores de desarrollo en crecimiento aún no
logra destacarse sobre otros distritos que poseen características y actividades económicas
similares como son sus vecinos de la cuenca del río Lurín distritos de Pachacámac y Lurín
siendo éstos sus competidores directos.
El proceso estratégico obtuvo como resultado las estrategias que aseguren el logro de
todos los objetivos a largo plazo definidos para el distrito de Cieneguilla, a fin de potenciar
sus fortalezas buscando su máximo provecho, así como estrategias para reforzar sus
debilidades, con la finalidad que Cieneguilla, distrito joven y con mucho potencial, destaque
sobre sus competidores
The present work has focused on the development of the strategic plan for the district of Cieneguilla that aims to prepare the district to achieve its vision by 2025. Cieneguilla, district located at the entrance of the Lurin River basin and which belongs to the province of Lima, is a young district whose population is mostly under 25 and so its young workforce is important and becomes a socioeconomic development lever, it is noted for its natural resources and cultural heritage, which are part of its tourist attraction; tourism is precisely one of its main sources of income along with agriculture and industrial activities such as construction. In recent years, even though Cieneguilla presents improvements in areas such as public security and district government organization, they still need to be enhanced and also reinforce areas that represent weakness such as health management, technology, education and environmental management. Although Cieneguilla has different factors of growth, can not yet stand above other districts that have similar characteristics and economic activities like its neighbors at the Lurin River basin districts of Pachacamac and Lurin, which are its direct competitors. The strategic process obtained as a result the strategies that ensure the achievement of all long-term goals defined for Cieneguilla district, in order to enhance their strengths to maximize the strengths of Cieneguilla, as well as strategies to strengthen its weaknesses, in order to allow Cieneguilla, young district and with many potential factors, stand out from its competitors
The present work has focused on the development of the strategic plan for the district of Cieneguilla that aims to prepare the district to achieve its vision by 2025. Cieneguilla, district located at the entrance of the Lurin River basin and which belongs to the province of Lima, is a young district whose population is mostly under 25 and so its young workforce is important and becomes a socioeconomic development lever, it is noted for its natural resources and cultural heritage, which are part of its tourist attraction; tourism is precisely one of its main sources of income along with agriculture and industrial activities such as construction. In recent years, even though Cieneguilla presents improvements in areas such as public security and district government organization, they still need to be enhanced and also reinforce areas that represent weakness such as health management, technology, education and environmental management. Although Cieneguilla has different factors of growth, can not yet stand above other districts that have similar characteristics and economic activities like its neighbors at the Lurin River basin districts of Pachacamac and Lurin, which are its direct competitors. The strategic process obtained as a result the strategies that ensure the achievement of all long-term goals defined for Cieneguilla district, in order to enhance their strengths to maximize the strengths of Cieneguilla, as well as strategies to strengthen its weaknesses, in order to allow Cieneguilla, young district and with many potential factors, stand out from its competitors
Palabras clave
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Lima, Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Lima, Planificación estratégica
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