Modelo prolab: Ayllu, una propuesta para la compra de superfoods mediante el uso de medios digitales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Actualmente la agricultura es la fuente principal de ingresos de 2.3 millones de familias que
representan el 34% de los hogares peruanos (80% de los hogares rurales y el 10.6% de los
hogares urbanos). El 64% de las familias rurales dedicadas a la actividad agrícola se
encuentra en la Sierra, región en la cual habitan el 36.7% de los peruanos en situación de
pobreza y el 59.8% de aquellos en extrema pobreza (FAO, 2022). En este sentido el presente
trabajo propone una solución que pueda mejorar la situación económica de los agricultores, la
cual representa una problemática relevante social en el Perú, que a través del cultivo de
superfoods pueden encontrar una oportunidad rentable y sostenible.
La solución que se propone permitirá que los agricultores (productores) puedan conectar con
los potenciales compradores (empresarios) y realizar una venta de manera segura y confiable,
a través de un marketplace. Esta propuesta incorpora dos interfaces, una dirigida para el
productor y la otra para el comprador. A través del aplicativo “Ayllu” los compradores
podrán encontrar una variada oferta de superfoods, con las características y certificaciones de
acuerdo con sus necesidades, realizar la compra y recibir los productos en el tiempo y precio
Ayllu es una propuesta innovadora, que se dirige a esta nueva generación de agricultores,
quienes se encuentran abiertos y dispuestos al uso de aplicaciones digitales. Por último, el
modelo de negocio es viable financieramente, cuenta con una inversión de S/ 450,000, un
VAN de 2.16 Millones de soles y una TIR del 150.39%, además de un VAN Social de 4.2
Millones de soles con un IRS de 22.5% sobre las metas de los objetivos de desarrollo
sostenible (ODS) números 8 y 12 que refieren a trabajo decente y consumo responsable,
Agriculture is currently the main source of income for 2.3 million families representing 34% of Peruvian households (80% of rural households and 10.6% of urban households). Sixty-four percent of rural families engaged in agricultural activities are in the Andes, a region where 36.7% of Peruvians live in poverty and 59.8% of those in extreme poverty (FAO, 2022). In this sense, the present work proposes a solution that can improve the economic situation of farmers, which represents a relevant social problem in Peru, who through the cultivation of superfoods can find a profitable and sustainable opportunity. The proposed solution will allow farmers (producers) to connect with potential buyers (entrepreneurs) and make a sale in a safe and reliable way, through a marketplace. This proposal incorporates two interfaces, one for the producer and the other for the buyer. Through the "Ayllu" application, buyers will be able to find a wide range of superfoods, with the characteristics and certifications according to their needs, make the purchase and receive the products at the agreed time and price. Ayllu is an innovative proposal, which is aimed at this new generation of farmers, who are open and willing to use digital applications. Finally, the business model is financially viable, with an investment of S/ 450,000, an NPV of 2.16 million soles and an IRR of 150.39%, in addition to a Social NPV of 4.2 million soles with an IRS of 22.5% on the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 8 and 12 that refer to decent work and responsible consumption, respectively.
Agriculture is currently the main source of income for 2.3 million families representing 34% of Peruvian households (80% of rural households and 10.6% of urban households). Sixty-four percent of rural families engaged in agricultural activities are in the Andes, a region where 36.7% of Peruvians live in poverty and 59.8% of those in extreme poverty (FAO, 2022). In this sense, the present work proposes a solution that can improve the economic situation of farmers, which represents a relevant social problem in Peru, who through the cultivation of superfoods can find a profitable and sustainable opportunity. The proposed solution will allow farmers (producers) to connect with potential buyers (entrepreneurs) and make a sale in a safe and reliable way, through a marketplace. This proposal incorporates two interfaces, one for the producer and the other for the buyer. Through the "Ayllu" application, buyers will be able to find a wide range of superfoods, with the characteristics and certifications according to their needs, make the purchase and receive the products at the agreed time and price. Ayllu is an innovative proposal, which is aimed at this new generation of farmers, who are open and willing to use digital applications. Finally, the business model is financially viable, with an investment of S/ 450,000, an NPV of 2.16 million soles and an IRR of 150.39%, in addition to a Social NPV of 4.2 million soles with an IRS of 22.5% on the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 8 and 12 that refer to decent work and responsible consumption, respectively.
Palabras clave
Agricultores--Perú, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Comercio electrónico--Perú, Aplicaciones para móviles
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