Diseño de Personaje y Viñetas Ilustradas para Promover el Desarrollo de una Cultura de Donación Voluntaria de Sangre en Jóvenes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La donación voluntaria de sangre es un acto solidario que permite salvar hasta tres vidas por
donante. Sin embargo, en Perú la cantidad de donaciones no satisface la demanda de unidades
de sangre anual, lo que representa una urgencia constante para el sistema de salud. En este
contexto, se aborda como principal problema la falta de desarrollo de una cultura de donación
voluntaria de sangre debido al poco conocimiento sobre el proceso y su importancia por parte
de los jóvenes. Esto se comprobó mediante entrevistas y encuestas a jóvenes de entre 18 y 24
años, quienes tienen un conocimiento bastante general sobre la importancia de donar, pero muy
pocos han decidido hacerlo. Frente a esta situación, se propone un proyecto de comunicación
visual que tiene como base el concepto “Donar, un ejemplo a seguir” y que consiste en el diseño
de un personaje para guiar a los jóvenes mediante viñetas para las redes sociales. De esta forma,
se presenta a “Dante, el donante”, quien comparte su historia y demuestra a sus seguidores
cómo es la vida de una persona con cultura de donación voluntaria. Este proyecto cuenta con
el respaldo y aprobación de la Asociación Peruana de Donantes de Sangre, logrando su objetivo
de informar y generar interés en los jóvenes hacia la donación voluntaria de sangre.
Voluntary blood donation is an act of solidarity that saves up to three lives per donor. However, in Peru the number of donations does not meet the annual demand for blood units, which represents a constant urgency for the health system. In this context, the lack of development of a culture of voluntary blood donation due to the little knowledge about the process and its importance on the part of young people is addressed as the main problem. This was verified through interviews and surveys of young people between the ages of 18 and 24, who have a fairly general knowledge about the importance of donating, but very few have decided to do so. Faced with this situation, a visual communication project is proposed that is based on the concept "Donate, an example to follow" and that consists of the design of a character to guide young people through cartoons for social networks. In this way, "Dante, the donor" is introduced, who shares his story and shows his followers what life is like for a person with a culture of voluntary donation. This project has the support and approval of the Peruvian Association of Blood Donors, achieving its objective of informing and generating interest among young people towards voluntary blood donation.
Voluntary blood donation is an act of solidarity that saves up to three lives per donor. However, in Peru the number of donations does not meet the annual demand for blood units, which represents a constant urgency for the health system. In this context, the lack of development of a culture of voluntary blood donation due to the little knowledge about the process and its importance on the part of young people is addressed as the main problem. This was verified through interviews and surveys of young people between the ages of 18 and 24, who have a fairly general knowledge about the importance of donating, but very few have decided to do so. Faced with this situation, a visual communication project is proposed that is based on the concept "Donate, an example to follow" and that consists of the design of a character to guide young people through cartoons for social networks. In this way, "Dante, the donor" is introduced, who shares his story and shows his followers what life is like for a person with a culture of voluntary donation. This project has the support and approval of the Peruvian Association of Blood Donors, achieving its objective of informing and generating interest among young people towards voluntary blood donation.
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