Propuesta para la mejora de la gestión de inventarios en Araujo Representaciones S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Araujo Representaciones S.A.C., conocida como ARESAC, es una empresa de
emprendimiento familiar fundada en la ciudad de Arequipa, con más de 40 años en la
distribución de lubricantes automotrices, siendo una de las empresas con mayor contribución
en la comercialización de los productos de manera directa y a través de la distribución a
dealers y retails en el mercado local Arequipeño, y con un alcance a nivel de la región sur del
Durante su trayectoria de más de cuatro décadas, en ARESAC se aplicaron diversas
estrategias y cambios para lograr y mantener su posicionamiento, sin embargo, existe el
interés por parte de la gerencia de generar mayores ingresos reduciendo sus gastos y
aumentar su cartera de clientes atendidos. Es así, que se ha realizado la presente consultoría
con el objetivo de mejorar la rotación de inventarios, para tener una reducción en los costos
operativos producto del impacto de la acción realizada y así incrementar los ingresos.
Para ello se ha utilizado el modelo SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference
model-modelo de referencia de operaciones de la cadena de suministro) desarrollado y
actualizado por la Supply Chain Council Inc. (2012), que proporciona herramientas que
permiten representar, entender y evaluar la cadena de suministros (CS). A través del mapeo
de procesos, flujos de actividades y evaluación de métricas, se identifican oportunidades para
la mejora de los procesos en la CS, teniendo en cuenta la recomendación de prácticas
recomendadas por SCOR, para la presente consultoría en gestión de inventarios en ARESAC.
A fin de obtener información para la consultoría, se entrevistó a la Gerencia
Comercial y personal de Logística de ARESAC, y se realizó el recorrido a los
establecimientos comerciales y logísticos de la empresa, con la finalidad de observar la
distribución de los productos y las actividades diarias que cumple el personal. Estas actividades permitieron profundizar en el origen del problema y la configuración de la cadena
de suministro de acuerdo al modelo SCOR. A través de la representación de flujogramas de
los procesos AS IS, se identificó que se realizan compras recurrentes para asegurar la
disponibilidad de los productos; con afectación a los costos operativos (traslado de productos,
pedidos no planificados, gastos por devoluciones o productos sin rotación continua).
La evaluación de las métricas de desempeño en la gestión de activos (días y rotación
de inventarios), definidas por SCOR y factibles de análisis en ARESAC, concluyen el
problema principal en la baja rotación de inventarios por tiempos superiores a los seis meses.
Al realizar el diagrama de Ishikawa para obtener el análisis de “causa-efecto” y al aplicar la
técnica de los “5 por qué”, se identificaron como causas del problema principal: (a) la
cantidad de días que permanecen en los inventarios el 23% de SKU (mayor a seis meses), (b)
la falta de una herramienta MRP (Planificación de Recursos Materiales), y (c) el personal de
ARESAC realiza sus actividades sin procedimientos formalizados ni Manuales de
Organización y Funciones (MOF), que permitirían mantener un orden en sus actividades
diarias y por tanto en el control de los inventarios.
Para dar respuesta al requerimiento de ARESAC, se planteó una solución con base en
las recomendaciones de SCOR, de prácticas para la mejora del rendimiento en la cadena de
suministro; donde se incluye el análisis de clasificación ABC de los productos, el diseño de
diagramas de flujo TO BE para los procesos para el control de inventario, la implementación
de un software MRP, y la aplicación de estrategias comerciales para la venta de productos de
baja rotación para reducir el tiempo de seis a tres meses. La solución planteada ha sido
aprobada por la gerencia de ARESAC y está en proceso de implementación, puesto que se
demostró que dichas acciones permitirán alcanzar una VAN de S/. 2´650,072.19,
considerando la tasa de descuento WACC de 9.61%, optimizando la rotación de inventarios
generando un retorno positivo sustentado con un TIR de 688%.
Araujo Representaciones S.A.C., known as ARESAC, a family business founded in the city of Arequipa with more than 40 years in the distribution of automotive lubricants, being one of the companies with the greatest contribution in the commercialization of products directly and through the distribution to dealers and retailers in the local Arequipeño market, and with a reach throughout the southern region of the country. During its trajectory of more than four decades, at ARESAC they applied various strategies and changes to achieve and maintain their position, however, there is an interest on the part of management to generate higher income by reducing their expenses and increasing their portfolio of clients served. Thus, this consultancy has been carried out with the objective of improving inventory rotation, in order to have a reduction in operating costs as a result of the impact of the action carried out and thus increase income. For this, the SCOR model (Supply Chain Operations Reference model) developed and updated by the Supply Chain Council Inc. (2012) has been used, which provides tools that allow representing, understanding and evaluating the supply chain (SC). Through the mapping of processes, activity flows and evaluation of metrics, opportunities for improvement of SC processes are identified, taking into account the recommendation of best practices by SCOR, specifically in this consultancy for inventory management in ARESAC. In order to obtain information for the consultancy, ARESAC management and staff were interviewed and the company's commercial and logistics establishments were visited, in order to observe the distribution of the products and the daily activities carried out by the staff. These activities allowed us to delve into the origin of the problem and the configuration of the supply chain according to the SCOR model. Through the representation of AS IS process flowcharts, it was identified that recurring purchases are made in ARESAC to ensure the availability of products; This attention affects operating costs (transfer of products, unplanned orders, warehouse expenses for returns or products that do not have continuous rotation). The evaluation of the performance metrics in asset management (days and inventory turnover), defined by SCOR and feasible for analysis in ARESAC, conclude the main problem in the low inventory turnover for times longer than six months. When making the Ishikawa diagram to obtain the "cause-effect" analysis and applying the "5 why" technique, the following were identified as causes of the main problem: (a) the number of days that the inventories remain in the 23% of SKU (over six months), (b) the lack of an MRP (Material Resource Planning) tool, and (c) ARESAC staff carry out their activities without formalized procedures or Organization and Functions Manuals (MOF) , which would allow maintaining an order in their daily activities and therefore in the control of inventories. In order to respond to ARESAC's requirement, a solution was proposed based on SCOR's recommendations, practices to improve performance in the supply chain; which includes the ABC classification analysis of the products, the design of TO BE flowcharts for the processes for inventory control, the implementation of MRP software, and the application of business strategies for the sale of low turnover products to reduce the time of six to three months. The proposed solution has been approved by ARESAC's management and is in the process of implementation, since it was demonstrated that these actions will allow a NPV of S/. 2'650,072.19, considering the WACC discount rate of 9.61%, optimizing inventory rotation generating a sustained positive return with an IRR of 688%.
Araujo Representaciones S.A.C., known as ARESAC, a family business founded in the city of Arequipa with more than 40 years in the distribution of automotive lubricants, being one of the companies with the greatest contribution in the commercialization of products directly and through the distribution to dealers and retailers in the local Arequipeño market, and with a reach throughout the southern region of the country. During its trajectory of more than four decades, at ARESAC they applied various strategies and changes to achieve and maintain their position, however, there is an interest on the part of management to generate higher income by reducing their expenses and increasing their portfolio of clients served. Thus, this consultancy has been carried out with the objective of improving inventory rotation, in order to have a reduction in operating costs as a result of the impact of the action carried out and thus increase income. For this, the SCOR model (Supply Chain Operations Reference model) developed and updated by the Supply Chain Council Inc. (2012) has been used, which provides tools that allow representing, understanding and evaluating the supply chain (SC). Through the mapping of processes, activity flows and evaluation of metrics, opportunities for improvement of SC processes are identified, taking into account the recommendation of best practices by SCOR, specifically in this consultancy for inventory management in ARESAC. In order to obtain information for the consultancy, ARESAC management and staff were interviewed and the company's commercial and logistics establishments were visited, in order to observe the distribution of the products and the daily activities carried out by the staff. These activities allowed us to delve into the origin of the problem and the configuration of the supply chain according to the SCOR model. Through the representation of AS IS process flowcharts, it was identified that recurring purchases are made in ARESAC to ensure the availability of products; This attention affects operating costs (transfer of products, unplanned orders, warehouse expenses for returns or products that do not have continuous rotation). The evaluation of the performance metrics in asset management (days and inventory turnover), defined by SCOR and feasible for analysis in ARESAC, conclude the main problem in the low inventory turnover for times longer than six months. When making the Ishikawa diagram to obtain the "cause-effect" analysis and applying the "5 why" technique, the following were identified as causes of the main problem: (a) the number of days that the inventories remain in the 23% of SKU (over six months), (b) the lack of an MRP (Material Resource Planning) tool, and (c) ARESAC staff carry out their activities without formalized procedures or Organization and Functions Manuals (MOF) , which would allow maintaining an order in their daily activities and therefore in the control of inventories. In order to respond to ARESAC's requirement, a solution was proposed based on SCOR's recommendations, practices to improve performance in the supply chain; which includes the ABC classification analysis of the products, the design of TO BE flowcharts for the processes for inventory control, the implementation of MRP software, and the application of business strategies for the sale of low turnover products to reduce the time of six to three months. The proposed solution has been approved by ARESAC's management and is in the process of implementation, since it was demonstrated that these actions will allow a NPV of S/. 2'650,072.19, considering the WACC discount rate of 9.61%, optimizing inventory rotation generating a sustained positive return with an IRR of 688%.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Emprendimiento--Perú, Inventarios--Administración, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento