Innovación en los servicios de apoyo al cuidado infantil
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Todos, en algún momento de nuestra vida, tanto al inicio como al final vamos a necesitar
que nos cuiden; sin embargo, no reconocemos al cuidado como un trabajo que debería
ser valorado ni remunerado. Históricamente el cuidado ha sido excluido al ámbito privado
como una labor propia de las mujeres, por lo que el Estado y la sociedad no lo han
considerado como un problema público que requiera de alguna intervención a pesar de los
beneficios que genera y lo fundamental que es para el desarrollo de la sociedad en su
En el Perú, de acuerdo con la Encuesta Nacional del Uso del Tiempo (INEI, 2010), se
evidencia que el cuidado de niños concentra el mayor tiempo de trabajo no remunerado de
las mujeres entre los 20 y 39 años. Así, las actividades de cuidado suponen en promedio
28 horas a la semana para las mujeres; mientras que para los varones representan 13 horas
(MIMDES, 2011), brecha que se agrava mientras más bajo es el nivel socioeconómico. Esta
situación limita el tiempo de las mujeres para su desarrollo personal.
Actualmente, las políticas sociales relacionadas al cuidado ofrecidas por el Estado Peruano
no cubren en su totalidad las necesidades de cuidado de las familias ya que los servicios
se centran en el niño como principal público objetivo y no en sus cuidadores que suelen ser
mayoritariamente mujeres.
Por ello, nuestro proyecto de innovación plantea una Política Pública Integral de Cuidado
con diversos servicios para la población dependiente del cuidado y sus cuidadores. Así, se
propone iniciar su implementación con un servicio de apoyo al cuidado y crianza que tenga
como público objetivo familias de niveles socioeconómicos que tengan niños en edad
At some point in our life, either during our early or last years, we all need to be looked after. However, we do not acknowledge this care as a job that should be valued or paid. Historically, care has been confined to the private sphere as a task for women only. That’s why the State and society have not considered it as a public concern that requires any intervention, despite how beneficial and crucial this task is for the development of the entire society. In Peru, according to the National Survey on the Use of Time (INEI, 2010), childcare concentrates the most unpaid work time of women between 20 and 39 years. Care activities represent on average 28 hours a week for women; whereas for men 13 hours (MIMDES, 2011). This gap worsens as the socioeconomic level decreases; situation that limits the time women have for their personal development. Currently, social policies aimed at care, offered by the Peruvian State, do not fully satisfy the care needs of families, because they focus on the children and not on their caregivers, who are mostly women. For this reason, our innovation project proposes a Public Policy of Care that involves various services for the population involved in care. We propose starting their implementation with a support service for care and upbringing aimed at families from socioeconomic levels who have preschool-age children.
At some point in our life, either during our early or last years, we all need to be looked after. However, we do not acknowledge this care as a job that should be valued or paid. Historically, care has been confined to the private sphere as a task for women only. That’s why the State and society have not considered it as a public concern that requires any intervention, despite how beneficial and crucial this task is for the development of the entire society. In Peru, according to the National Survey on the Use of Time (INEI, 2010), childcare concentrates the most unpaid work time of women between 20 and 39 years. Care activities represent on average 28 hours a week for women; whereas for men 13 hours (MIMDES, 2011). This gap worsens as the socioeconomic level decreases; situation that limits the time women have for their personal development. Currently, social policies aimed at care, offered by the Peruvian State, do not fully satisfy the care needs of families, because they focus on the children and not on their caregivers, who are mostly women. For this reason, our innovation project proposes a Public Policy of Care that involves various services for the population involved in care. We propose starting their implementation with a support service for care and upbringing aimed at families from socioeconomic levels who have preschool-age children.
Palabras clave
Servicios de cuidado de niños--Perú, Madres trabajadoras--Perú, Perú--Política social
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