Regulación emocional y satisfacción de pareja en estudiantes universitarios en Lima Metropolitana en el contexto de la Pandemia del COVID-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la relación entre la regulación emocional
y la satisfacción de pareja en estudiantes universitarios en Lima Metropolitana en el contexto
de cuarentena por la pandemia del covid-19, durante el primer trimestre del 2021. Además, se
investigó la relación entre dos estrategias de regulación (supresión y reevaluación cognitiva).
Así como, las diferencias en ambos constructos (satisfacción y regulación emocional) según
las variables sociodemográficas sexo y edad; y las diferencias en la satisfacción según los
meses en la relación. La muestra estuvo conformada por 203 estudiantes de diversas
universidades de Lima Metropolitana que se encontraban en una relación de pareja, cuya
duración oscilaba entre 1 y 108 meses (M= 19.75, D.E.= 19.95), con edades entre 18 y 27 años
(M= 22, D.E.= 2.19). Los instrumentos empleados fueron la Escala de Valoración de la
Relación (Relationship Assessment Scale [RAS]; Hendrick, 1988) en su versión adaptada a
México por Moral de la Rubia (2015) y el Cuestionario de Autorregulación Emocional
(Emotional Regulation Questionnaire [ERQ]; Gross y John, 2003) adaptada al Perú por
Gargurevich y Mattos (2010). El método de investigación planteado fue cuantitativo, por lo
que se realizaron análisis de normalidad, confiabilidad, correlaciones y comparaciones. Se
encontró una correlación negativa y moderada entre la RAS y la estrategia de supresión del
EQRP, mas no con la estrategia de reevaluación cognitiva. Además, ambas estrategias
mostraron una correlación positiva y pequeña entre ellas. Adicionalmente, se encontraron
diferencias significativas y pequeñas en el empleo de la supresión, según el sexo y edad de los
participantes; y en la satisfacción de pareja según los meses en la relación.
The present study aimed to know the relationship between emotional regulation and partner satisfaction in university students in Metropolitan Lima in the context of quarantine due the covid-19 pandemic during the first quarter of 2021. Moreover, the relationship between two regulatory strategies (cognitive reappraisal and suppression) was investigated. As well as, the differences in both constructs (emotional regulation and partner satisfaction) according to the sociodemographic variables sex and age; and the differences in satisfaction according to the months in the relationship. The participants were 203 students from various universities in Metropolitan Lima who were in a relationship, whose duration ranged from 1 to 108 months (M =. 19.75, S.D. = 19.95), with ages between 18 and 27 years (M = 22, S.D. = 2.19). The instruments used were the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS; Hendrick, 1988) in its version adapted to Mexico by Moral de la Rubia (2015) and the Emotional Self-Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross and John, 2003) adapted to Peru by Gargurevich and Mattos (2010). The research method proposed was quantitative, so normality, reliability, correlations and comparisons were analyzed. The results showed a negative and moderate correlation between the RAS and the EQRP suppression strategy, but not with the cognitive reappraisal strategy. Furthermore, both strategies positively correlated with each other. In addition, significant differences were found in the use of suppression according to the sex and age of the participants; and in partner satisfaction according to the months in the relationship.
The present study aimed to know the relationship between emotional regulation and partner satisfaction in university students in Metropolitan Lima in the context of quarantine due the covid-19 pandemic during the first quarter of 2021. Moreover, the relationship between two regulatory strategies (cognitive reappraisal and suppression) was investigated. As well as, the differences in both constructs (emotional regulation and partner satisfaction) according to the sociodemographic variables sex and age; and the differences in satisfaction according to the months in the relationship. The participants were 203 students from various universities in Metropolitan Lima who were in a relationship, whose duration ranged from 1 to 108 months (M =. 19.75, S.D. = 19.95), with ages between 18 and 27 years (M = 22, S.D. = 2.19). The instruments used were the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS; Hendrick, 1988) in its version adapted to Mexico by Moral de la Rubia (2015) and the Emotional Self-Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross and John, 2003) adapted to Peru by Gargurevich and Mattos (2010). The research method proposed was quantitative, so normality, reliability, correlations and comparisons were analyzed. The results showed a negative and moderate correlation between the RAS and the EQRP suppression strategy, but not with the cognitive reappraisal strategy. Furthermore, both strategies positively correlated with each other. In addition, significant differences were found in the use of suppression according to the sex and age of the participants; and in partner satisfaction according to the months in the relationship.
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