Percepciones de docentes del nivel Inicial sobre el uso pedagógico de los dispositivos móviles en la educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se centra en las percepciones de las docentes del nivel
Inicial acerca del uso pedagógico de los dispositivos móviles durante la educación a
distancia. Así, se formula la pregunta de investigación ¿Cuáles son las percepciones
de las docentes del nivel Inicial sobre el uso pedagógico de los dispositivos móviles
en la educación a distancia de una institución educativa pública de Lima? De esta
manera, este estudio tiene como objetivo general: analizar las percepciones de las
docentes del nivel Inicial sobre el uso pedagógico de los dispositivos móviles en la
educación a distancia de una institución educativa pública de Lima. Asimismo, dos
objetivos específicos: describir las nociones de las docentes del nivel Inicial sobre
los dispositivos móviles en la educación a distancia y describir las percepciones de
las docentes del nivel Inicial acerca del uso pedagógico de los dispositivos móviles.
Esta tesis tiene un enfoque cualitativo con alcance descriptivo; por ello, la técnica de
investigación es la entrevista y como instrumento el guion de entrevista
semiestructura. Se cuenta con tres informantes, quienes trabajan en una institución
educativa pública de Lima. En suma, los dispositivos móviles han sido utilizados por
las docentes durante el periodo de educación a distancia, específicamente el
teléfono móvil y la computadora portátil. Los usos pedagógicos que se encontraron
son: en la planificación, en el desarrollo de sesiones sincrónicas y asíncronas, en la
evaluación y la comunicación con las familias y plana docente.
This research focuses on the perceptions of early childhood teachers about the pedagogical use of mobile devices during distance education. Thus, the research question is formulated: What are the perceptions of early childhood teachers about the pedagogical use of mobile devices in distance education in a public educational institution in Lima? Thus, the general objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions of early childhood teachers on the pedagogical use of mobile devices in distance education in a public educational institution in Lima. Also, two specific objectives: to describe the notions of pre-school teachers about mobile devices in distance education and to describe the perceptions of pre-school teachers about the pedagogical use of mobile devices. This thesis has a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope; therefore, the research technique is the interview and the instrument is the semi-structured interview script. There are three informants, who work in a public educational institution in Lima. In sum, mobile devices have been used by the teachers during the distance education period, specifically the cell phone and the laptop. The pedagogical uses that were found are: in planning, in the development of synchronous and asynchronous sessions, in evaluation and communication with families and teaching staff.
This research focuses on the perceptions of early childhood teachers about the pedagogical use of mobile devices during distance education. Thus, the research question is formulated: What are the perceptions of early childhood teachers about the pedagogical use of mobile devices in distance education in a public educational institution in Lima? Thus, the general objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions of early childhood teachers on the pedagogical use of mobile devices in distance education in a public educational institution in Lima. Also, two specific objectives: to describe the notions of pre-school teachers about mobile devices in distance education and to describe the perceptions of pre-school teachers about the pedagogical use of mobile devices. This thesis has a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope; therefore, the research technique is the interview and the instrument is the semi-structured interview script. There are three informants, who work in a public educational institution in Lima. In sum, mobile devices have been used by the teachers during the distance education period, specifically the cell phone and the laptop. The pedagogical uses that were found are: in planning, in the development of synchronous and asynchronous sessions, in evaluation and communication with families and teaching staff.
Palabras clave
Educación preescolar, Personal docente--Capacitación, Educación a distancia, Teléfonos celulares
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