Consultoría de negocios en la valorización de acciones para la empresa Laive S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo valoriza a la empresa Laive, una de las empresas líderes en el
sector lácteo del Perú. Para la valorización se han utilizado los métodos de Flujo de Caja Libre
descontado al Costo Promedio Ponderado del Capital (WACC por sus siglas en inglés
Weighted Average Cost of Capital), el Flujo de Caja del Accionista descontado a la tasa de
descuento Ke hallada mediante el modelo de fijación de precios de activos de capital (CAPM
por sus siglas en inglés Capital Asset Pricing Model) y el método de los múltiplos. Para los
métodos de los flujos de caja descontado se tomaron en consideración la data histórica
correspondiente al periodo del 2008 al 2019 y la data proyectada de los 10 años siguientes a
partir del 2019. Se consideró una tasa de crecimiento de perpetuidad de 1%, una tasa de
descuento WACC de 6.36% (ambos comprobados mediante el análisis de sensibilidad) y una
tasa equity de 12.37%. Los resultados obtenidos para el valor de mercado del patrimonio de la
empresa mediante el método del Flujo de Caja Libre descontado al WACC (6.36%) fue de S/
908,598.67 (miles de soles) y con el Flujo de Caja del Accionista descontado a la tasa Ke (tasa
mínima exigida por el accionista 12.37%) fue de S/ 472,429.34 (miles de soles).
Mediante el método de los múltiplos se analizaron tres empresas comparables con
Laive y se utilizaron los métodos Price Earning Ratio (PER) y sus complementarios; además
de los métodos de múltiplos de los dividendos y el Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings
(CAPE). Mediante estos métodos se halló un rango de valores que fueron comparados con los
valores obtenidos con los métodos de flujos descontados, lo que resultó en valores mínimos,
medios y máximos para las acciones clase A, clase B (cotizada en la Bolsa de Valores de
Lima - BVL) y las acciones de inversión. La pandemia del 2020 afectó a muchas empresas, sin embargo, Laive se ha mantenido
en el sector por contar con una estructura sólida, un portafolio amplio y diversificado, la
constante innovación en sus procesos de producción y el enfoque en el nuevo consumidor
interesado en una alimentación saludable. La cotización bursátil es sensible a eventos externos
e internos (políticos, sanitarios, etc.) lo que resulta en un precio de acción infravalorado.
Asimismo, se considera que la acción puede ser negociada a un valor más alto por la
confianza en el crecimiento del sector, la tendencia creciente del consumo de productos
saludables y los programas del gobierno para aumentar el consumo lácteo.
This paper is about the valuation of Laive, one of the leading companies in the dairy sector in Peru. The valuation methods that were used are the discounted Free Cash Flow method with Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), the discounted shareholder's Cash Flow with equity rate through Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the multiples method. For the discounted Cash Flow method was used the historical data corresponding to the period from 2008 to 2019 and the projected data of the next 10 years from 2019. There was considered a perpetuity growth rate of 1%, a WACC of 6.36% (both verified through sensitivity analysis) and a Ke (minimum rate required by the shareholder) of 12.37%. The results obtained for the market value of the company's equity through the discounted Free Cash Flow method to the WACC (6.36%) was S / 908,598.67 (thousands of soles) and with the discounted shareholder's Cash Flow at the Ke rate (minimum rate required by the shareholder of 12.37%) was S / 472,429.34 (thousands of soles). For the multiples method, three companies were compared with Laive and there were used the method Price Earning Ratio (PER) and its complementary methods, the multiples method of dividends and Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings. These three multiple methods provided the direct value of the share and a range of values for minimum, average and maximum values for class A, class B shares (listed on Bolsa de Valores de Lima- BVL) and the investment shares that were compared with the values obtained by the discounted cash flow methods. Even though the pandemic of 2020 affected many companies, Laive has remained in the sector due to its solid structure, to its ample and diversified portfolio, to a constant innovation in its production processes and its focus on the new consumer interested in healthy eating. It should bear in mind that the value of the stock price is sensitive to external and internal events (political, health, etc.) which could result for Laive's share in an undervalued share price. Likewise, it is considered that the stock can be traded at a higher value due to the confidence in the growth of the sector, the growing trend of the consumption of healthy products and the government's programs to increase dairy consumption.
This paper is about the valuation of Laive, one of the leading companies in the dairy sector in Peru. The valuation methods that were used are the discounted Free Cash Flow method with Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), the discounted shareholder's Cash Flow with equity rate through Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the multiples method. For the discounted Cash Flow method was used the historical data corresponding to the period from 2008 to 2019 and the projected data of the next 10 years from 2019. There was considered a perpetuity growth rate of 1%, a WACC of 6.36% (both verified through sensitivity analysis) and a Ke (minimum rate required by the shareholder) of 12.37%. The results obtained for the market value of the company's equity through the discounted Free Cash Flow method to the WACC (6.36%) was S / 908,598.67 (thousands of soles) and with the discounted shareholder's Cash Flow at the Ke rate (minimum rate required by the shareholder of 12.37%) was S / 472,429.34 (thousands of soles). For the multiples method, three companies were compared with Laive and there were used the method Price Earning Ratio (PER) and its complementary methods, the multiples method of dividends and Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings. These three multiple methods provided the direct value of the share and a range of values for minimum, average and maximum values for class A, class B shares (listed on Bolsa de Valores de Lima- BVL) and the investment shares that were compared with the values obtained by the discounted cash flow methods. Even though the pandemic of 2020 affected many companies, Laive has remained in the sector due to its solid structure, to its ample and diversified portfolio, to a constant innovation in its production processes and its focus on the new consumer interested in healthy eating. It should bear in mind that the value of the stock price is sensitive to external and internal events (political, health, etc.) which could result for Laive's share in an undervalued share price. Likewise, it is considered that the stock can be traded at a higher value due to the confidence in the growth of the sector, the growing trend of the consumption of healthy products and the government's programs to increase dairy consumption.
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