Adaptación a la vida universitaria y dimensiones de apego adulto en estudiantes de la Universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La adaptación a la vida universitaria permite al estudiante desarrollarse tanto en el ámbito
académico como en el socioemocional; de esta manera, el estudiante adaptado fomenta
la formación de redes de soporte en momentos de preocupación y mantiene una mayor
percepción de salud. Una de las variables que ha demostrado tener efecto en la adaptación
universitaria es el apego adulto seguro, la cual implica aspectos de una buena adaptación
como un mejor manejo de la ansiedad y el estrés, mayor autoeficacia y mayor sensación
de autonomía. Pese a lo mencionado, no se encuentra mucha investigación en
Latinoamérica que hable acerca del vínculo entre la adaptación universitaria y el apego
adulto. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal del presente estudio es analizar la relación
entre las variables de adaptación a la vida universitaria y las dimensiones de apego adulto.
Con este fin, se evaluó a 218 estudiantes universitarios, de entre 18 y 25 años (M= 19.8,
DE= 1.6). La adaptación a la vida universitaria fue medida a través del Cuestionario de
Vivencias Académicas en su versión reducida (QVA-r) y las dimensiones de apego adulto
fueron medidas por el Cuestionario de Relación (RQ). Los resultados sugieren que la
presencia de altos niveles de ansiedad y evitación se relacionan significativamente de
manera negativa con los aspectos personal e interpersonal de la adaptación a la vida
universitaria, lo cual coincide con la idea de que el apego, sobre todo, tiene relevancia en
el ámbito socioemocional del desarrollo de la persona.
The adjustment to college allows the student to develop in both the academic and the socioemotional aspects of his life; for this reason, the adjusted student encourages the establishment of a support network in times of preoccupation and keeps a greater health perception. One of the variables that have proven to have effect on the adjustment to college is the secure adult attachment, which implies aspects of a good adaptation such as better self-efficacy, better autonomy and better anxiety and stress management. Despite the above, there is not much research about the relationship of college adjustment and adult attachment in Latin America. For this reason, the main objective of this research is to analyze the association between the variables of college adjustment and the dimensions of adult attachment. Therefore, the research evaluated 218 college students, between the ages of 18 and 25 (M= 19.8, SD= 1.6). The college adjustment was measured with the Questionnaire of Academic Experiences in its reduced version (QVA-r) and the dimensions of adult attachment were measured with the Relationship Questionnaire (QR). The results suggest that the presence of high levels of anxiety and avoidance it is related significatively and negatively with the personal and interpersonal aspects of the college adjustment, which coincides with the idea that the attachment has relevance in the socioemotional aspect of a person’s development.
The adjustment to college allows the student to develop in both the academic and the socioemotional aspects of his life; for this reason, the adjusted student encourages the establishment of a support network in times of preoccupation and keeps a greater health perception. One of the variables that have proven to have effect on the adjustment to college is the secure adult attachment, which implies aspects of a good adaptation such as better self-efficacy, better autonomy and better anxiety and stress management. Despite the above, there is not much research about the relationship of college adjustment and adult attachment in Latin America. For this reason, the main objective of this research is to analyze the association between the variables of college adjustment and the dimensions of adult attachment. Therefore, the research evaluated 218 college students, between the ages of 18 and 25 (M= 19.8, SD= 1.6). The college adjustment was measured with the Questionnaire of Academic Experiences in its reduced version (QVA-r) and the dimensions of adult attachment were measured with the Relationship Questionnaire (QR). The results suggest that the presence of high levels of anxiety and avoidance it is related significatively and negatively with the personal and interpersonal aspects of the college adjustment, which coincides with the idea that the attachment has relevance in the socioemotional aspect of a person’s development.
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