Las excavaciones del Proyecto Arqueológico Huaca 20 (1999 y 2001)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Los estudios en el sitio denominado Huaca 20, complejo Maranga, se ha registrado una continua ocupación desde el fin del Periodo Intermedio Temprano hasta inicios del Horizonte Medio. Dichas ocupaciones varían entre el uso residencial o doméstico de la zona -observándose un cambio significativo en cuanto a la orientación, técnicas y materiales de construcción de las estructuras- así como el de zona de regadío por medio de canales, los cuales se clausuran luego para dar paso a un uso funerario del terreno. Algunos de los contextos funerarios hallados cuentan entre sus asociaciones con material cerámico Nievería.
The Excavations of Proyecto Arqueológico Huaca 20 (1999 and 2001 Seasons)Archaeological research at the Huaca 20 site, part of the great Maranga complex, revealed a continuous occupational sequence from the late Early Intermediate Period through the beginning of the Middle Horizon. The occupations show functional variations, including residential and domestic uses -with significant changes in the orientation, techniques and materials of construction, as well as in the area irrigated by canals. Irrigation ditches were eventually filled in to accommodate a cemetery that contained several burials with Nievería style ceramics.
The Excavations of Proyecto Arqueológico Huaca 20 (1999 and 2001 Seasons)Archaeological research at the Huaca 20 site, part of the great Maranga complex, revealed a continuous occupational sequence from the late Early Intermediate Period through the beginning of the Middle Horizon. The occupations show functional variations, including residential and domestic uses -with significant changes in the orientation, techniques and materials of construction, as well as in the area irrigated by canals. Irrigation ditches were eventually filled in to accommodate a cemetery that contained several burials with Nievería style ceramics.
Palabras clave
Arqueología, Cultura Lima, Costa Central, Huaca 20, Contextos Funerarios, Canales, Ocupación Doméstica, Cerámica de Estilo Nievería, Archaeology, Lima Culture, Central Coast, Huaca 20, Funerary Contexts, Channels, Domestic Occupation, Nievería Style Pottery
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