El proceso penal peruano, características y sus posibles obstáculos en la persecución de la gran corrupción
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
De acuerdo a las convenciones internacionales contra la corrupción y el
principio Constitucional de proscripción de la corrupción el proceso penal
peruano tiene los fines de perseguir y sancionar los delitos y con mayor razón
si se trata de gran corrupción, juzgando a los responsables en los plazos
establecidos y sancionarlos dando un mensaje a la sociedad de confiabilidad
en el sistema democrático. Es probable que en el Perú el procesal penal contra
la gran corrupción presente obstáculos que conlleve a que la población tenga
desconfianza en la administración de justicia y se cree un clima de impunidad
no evitando que la gran corrupción llegue a vulnerar derechos humanos si no
es sancionada en su oportunidad. Para identificar ello este trabajo desarrolla
que debemos entender por gran corrupción y porque su naturaleza procesal es
compleja describiendo sus características y su tratamiento procesal penal como
una organización criminal de acuerdo a la ley No 30077, siendo que los
obstáculos que se han presentado de acuerdo al modelo acusatorio-
adversarial, es el Ministerio Público y sus fiscales quienes deben afrontarlos
para obtener elementos de convicción y asegurar la prueba para construir un
caso que sea llevado a juicio con éxito y cumplir con los fines del proceso
According to the international conventions against corruption and the Constitutional principle of proscription of corruption, the Peruvian criminal process has the purpose of prosecuting and punishing crimes and even more so in the case of grand corruption, judging those responsible within the established deadlines. and punish them by giving a message to society of reliability in the democratic system. It is probable that in Peru the criminal procedure against grand corruption presents obstacles that lead the population to have distrust in the administration of justice and a climate of impunity is created, not preventing grand corruption from violating human rights if it is not sanctioned. at your opportunity. To identify this, this work develops that we must understand grand corruption and because its procedural nature is complex, describing its characteristics and its criminal procedural treatment as a criminal organization according to Law No. 30077, being that the obstacles that have arisen according to the accusatory-adversarial model, it is the Public Ministry and its prosecutors who must face them to obtain elements of conviction and secure the evidence to build a case that is successfully brought to trial and fulfill the purposes of the criminal process.
According to the international conventions against corruption and the Constitutional principle of proscription of corruption, the Peruvian criminal process has the purpose of prosecuting and punishing crimes and even more so in the case of grand corruption, judging those responsible within the established deadlines. and punish them by giving a message to society of reliability in the democratic system. It is probable that in Peru the criminal procedure against grand corruption presents obstacles that lead the population to have distrust in the administration of justice and a climate of impunity is created, not preventing grand corruption from violating human rights if it is not sanctioned. at your opportunity. To identify this, this work develops that we must understand grand corruption and because its procedural nature is complex, describing its characteristics and its criminal procedural treatment as a criminal organization according to Law No. 30077, being that the obstacles that have arisen according to the accusatory-adversarial model, it is the Public Ministry and its prosecutors who must face them to obtain elements of conviction and secure the evidence to build a case that is successfully brought to trial and fulfill the purposes of the criminal process.
Palabras clave
Corrupción--Perú, Derecho procesal penal--Perú, Crimen organizado--Legislación--Perú, Fujimori Fujimori, Alberto