Umánica para CRP: Desarrollo de estrategia de reposicionamiento para la Corporación Radial del Perú como el mejor proveedor de espacios publicitarios radiales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar una estrategia
publicitaria que revalorice CRP RADIOS como un medio masivo de comunicación en
vanguardia que logra conectar con los radioyentes quienes sintonizan la radio para
fines informativos y de entretenimiento. Sin embargo, su valor y efectividad no es
reconocido por los anunciantes y las agencias de medios. Es por ello que se establece
como objetivo posicionar a CRP RADIOS como el medio masivo estratégico que
logra conectar de manera directa y efectiva con el público objetivo de los anunciantes,
resaltando sus principales atributos: el poder de su alcance y frecuencia, la
segmentación acorde a cada perfil, el CPM, y la cercanía entre locutores y oyentes.
Para el desarrollo de este trabajo, se utilizaron diversos instrumentos de recojo de
información, siendo las encuestas y las entrevistas semiestructuradas, los más
importantes. El objetivo fue identificar la percepción de los anunciantes y los
profesionales encargados de la compra de medios publicitarios con respecto a la radio
como medio de difusión publicitaria. A través de estas herramientas, se pudo observar
que el medio transversal a los hallazgos era lo digital, trazando así la ruta a seguir
para plantear la propuesta de solución para CRP RADIOS.
The purpose of this research is to develop an advertising strategy that revalues CRP RADIOS as cutting-edge mass communication that is able to connect with the audience who tune in to the radio for informational and entertainment purposes. However, its value and effectiveness is not recognized by advertisers and media agencies. That is why it is established as an objective to position CRP RADIOS as the strategic mass medium, which manages to connect directly and effectively with the target audience of advertisers, highlighting its main attributes: the power of its reach and frequency, the segmentation according to each profile, the CPM, and the closeness between speakers and audience. For the development of this work, various information collection instruments were used, with surveys and semi-structured interviews being the most important. The objective was to identify the perception of advertisers and professionals in charge of buying advertising media regarding radio as a means of advertising dissemination. Through these tools, it was possible to observe that the transversal medium to the findings was digital, thus tracing the route to follow to propose the solution to CRP RADIOS.
The purpose of this research is to develop an advertising strategy that revalues CRP RADIOS as cutting-edge mass communication that is able to connect with the audience who tune in to the radio for informational and entertainment purposes. However, its value and effectiveness is not recognized by advertisers and media agencies. That is why it is established as an objective to position CRP RADIOS as the strategic mass medium, which manages to connect directly and effectively with the target audience of advertisers, highlighting its main attributes: the power of its reach and frequency, the segmentation according to each profile, the CPM, and the closeness between speakers and audience. For the development of this work, various information collection instruments were used, with surveys and semi-structured interviews being the most important. The objective was to identify the perception of advertisers and professionals in charge of buying advertising media regarding radio as a means of advertising dissemination. Through these tools, it was possible to observe that the transversal medium to the findings was digital, thus tracing the route to follow to propose the solution to CRP RADIOS.
Palabras clave
Medios de comunicación de masas, COVID-19 (Enfermedad), Radio--Transmisores y transmisión, Publicidad en Internet
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